Nothing big of a boom, just another quick one to end the year with.
Much like every year, I'll be taking a winter vacation from making pictures all through January and be back some time during February.
NSFW R-rated blog of my silly wow-screenmanips of naughty things. Be warned!
End of year is approaching along with festivities, where most of them revolves around giving gifts to each other.
I don't know where I'm aiming with this, so have this non-nudity yet nudity containing picture to bring up the festiveness.
She's cold, yet hearth warming sight, that those little hands built up from snow.
12th December "Winter Veil Snowwoman" [Gnome/Dwarf/Pinup]
Feast of Winter Veil is still few weeks away,
so the Little Helpers decided to make a snowwoman to kill time.
Remember couple of months back when I posted a picture of Ol' Emma?
Don't worry, it isn't another picture of a sexy granny - but two pictures of other known NPC's!
There are many NPCs in WoW that hasn't any big role, but still are known by the players one way or the another.
Choosing a character for the picture(s) was quite hard, as I tried to make the NPC would be well enough known, but still not just a random vendor or trainer. Sure the other one is a vendor, but she least walks a path and speaks out.
The other picture was lot harder to choose, as I couldn't think of any from the Horde. Might be because the years I did play WoW, >90% was on the Alliance-side. That is why, if you've bothered to read to the end, please do tell some Horde NPC's I could use in a picture.
8th November "Bakers Lone Night" [Drwaf/Solo/Masturbation]
Myra Tyrngaarde - Bread Vendor from Ironforge.
She might be visited daily by hundreds, if not thousands of people selling their items to her.
She might have endless pocket of gold to pay them,
but one thing she still haven't gotten - companion.
8th November "Benefits of an Emissary" [Belf/Tauren/Straight]
Dela Runetotem - Tauren Emissary.
She has nearly nine years waited to be granted audience with Silvermoon leader(s) with the other Horde emissaries.
She has seen lot of changes within the city walls and she has kept herself occupied with the locals.
Back again with a new Brewfest picture to be shared.
I bet many of you had something different in mind when it came to see old Selanaar having a jolly time at the festive.
Maybe next year your guess would hit the spot!
Unlike the previous pictures so far, this one needed more editing 'cause of her clothing and spine bending sitting position.
Why a Goblin? Because they represents Hordes Brewfest side and drinking is one thing that either brings people together or
cause them to fight and then become friends(with good luck). And I let you know that I hate how clunky the Goblin models are compared to the new one and they aren't getting a new one in years.
Come to think of it, I could have placed her to Durotar than Dun Morogh - too late now.
4th October "Brewfest 2015: Drunk Selanaar" [Draenei/Goblin/Oral/Brewfest]
Brewfest 2015 is still going on and old fans of the festive is still there since day one.
Originally Posted by RedpandamanReally like your pandaren stuff! Do you plan to do anything based on the newer "HD" female tauren model? I see you did quite a bit of tauren stuff in the past but nothing with the newer model, or I missed it. Keep up the fantastic work.
It's weekend! Time for this crazy pervert murloc to spew out a new picture!
This time we all get to enjoy an old idea I've had for a long time, but only now managed to do it.
It's "old" enough idea for the NPC to get a facelift with release of new models.
This picture would have been made last weekend already, but I got stuck raging at Blender while trying to learn how to use it with WoW models. I could do it with old models, but with the new one I get stuck at a brick wall called eyelids! I can't make them move out of the way! D:
Anyway, this picture due to it was made in my "old" style.
I hope there is someone out there that will like this one. I'm pretty sure many won't - some might even flinch.
Surprise update out of the blue!
That's right, back on Sunday schedule(s)!
Time for something more furry for a change. Don't worry, it's not furry-porn... or well, it is, as they all have fur on them and other anthropomorphic traits.
Tried few new things on this picture, but they are barely visible and mostly just for me - which makes me quite happy with this picture.
19th July "Furbolg Frenzy" [Pandaren/Furbolg/Threesome]
Pandaria is full of bear-like anthropomorphic humanoids,
but also up north on Northrend lives another race of bear-like anthros
in their huge city of Grizzlemaw.
Have a good Sunday!
Hyvää Juhannusta PRKL!
@Happy Midsummer to all!
We celebrated Midsummer up here in Finland 19-20th June already, as we have it only fixed to be on a weekend rather on a day. But never the less, Midsummer Fire Festival just begun on Azeroth! Happy coin farming for all who still plays the game.
What comes to the new apartment, we've mostly settled down but I still have lot of items to pack and carry over(I basically still live at my old apartment). I have also been working on two new pictures, but they won't be released until next week - as I did remember that it's Midsummer picture time! some might call this a lazy picture as I hide everything behind their silhouettes. To that I just say "Meh".
Jolly summer for all and don't get sun burned when you step outside to get some food.
Hello hello,
Nothing big this time, as I've been moving my girlfriends boxes and bags into my place before moving out for a bigger apartment.
So this time it'll be just a quick "intermission" picture with very minimal editing - cause I just don't have the time now.
With this intermission-picture, I will post new "proper" picture hopefully next weekend.
I'm late, I know!
I'm sooooo late! Ugh! I don't have much of reasons or excuses to tell why. Busy life is busy life!
My odd habit only to get pictures done during weekends and mostly on dawn is really hard to keep up if having "active" lifestyle xD
And I had planned to get these done already on Saturday, but back on Friday I somehow managed to hurt my right shoulder and neck while in the shower - doing nothing!
Ugh, anyways. I still managed to make these both today - when not playing Witcher 3.
Why two? Because I missed one week and I wanted to give old friends their pictures and stop them from nagging that I promised to do them years back.
Also, one of them is this years first and most likely the only futanari picture I'll do this year. Who knows!
Enjoy pre-Cataclysm Selanaar pictures!
New picture time and something different what I would normally do.
A picture with a Worgen! When I was planning on this picture, I hadn't yet figured out what race to use. I was very close picking a Naga instead, but after reading LegnaX's cry for Worgen I was sold! But it had it's problems.
You hit the nail spot on. While Goblins and Worgen were for a long time most "advanced" and high-polygoned models, after MoP and WoD new models, they are the new "old models" with their lack of expressions(moving lips, eyes and cheeks). Hence many won't touch them at all or face the long task making them more up to date.Originally Posted by dennisWell, to give some reason to the lack of worgen, their ingame model is a bit lacking, to say the least. So they're a bit hard to work with, to be honest.
As for the person behind her. I wouldn't have come to this idea in the first place if I hadn't found the aquatic Faceless Ones with Modelviewer. I had all forgotten about them from Vash'jir and Throne of the Tides.
Normaly I don't like to work with tentacles nor demons or other monstreous creatures - but for this picture I made the exception, also I do like some Lovecraftian mythos now and then.
11th April "Touch of the Faceless" [Worgen/Pinup/Monster]
Ia! Ia! Dagon!
Wait, wrong universe and mythos. Nevermind.
Hello hello hello.
It's snowing sleet, or wait, is it raining? It's mostly water than anything snow. I don't know.
There might be least one or three people out there that finds it surprising that this weeks picture doesn't
contain -any- Murlocs in it. NONE! Just a Iron Dwarf and Draenei doing it.
I've had for a long time in mind to do a female-PoV picture, but other ideas and inspirations always pushed that idea to the side. This isn't the first one, but this one is the first one where the view is more where the face could be - rather than hovering closer to the crotch.
Welp, my well earned week long "vacation" turned into two weeks quicker than I thought.
I blame vidya-gaems! They released two amazingly good games on the same day back on Tuesday.
Aaaand I've been busy with other things as well. So let's just go with the usual one and say I got lazy.
I didn't have as big plans for March as I did for February - but I still have time to come up with something to catch up with the time.
What you'll see here is something that might shock you and disgust you - but then again, why are you even here in the first place if this is true? Bugger off!
But if you still stayed to see what in earth I did create this time, get ready for something unusual!
I can't believe that I'm still keeping up with the twice a week schedule!
Time for another girl on girl picture, which only means that the last picture of the month will be...
Straight sex between a man and a woman!
I had rather blast working on this picture this time, time really flew by quickly.
I was done with it earlier than I anticipated. Which is awesome in my opinion.
What else to tell about the picture? She's using a strap-on.
Big Booty Alarm at Saltheril's Haven!
End of week picture time. Time for yet another pinup, the last one of the month.
I'm quite happy with this one, especially how I managed to use a nelfs face to make a helf/belf(as modelviewer cannot yet read the new models from PTR).
Why is she at Eversong Woods? She was going to be a Blood Elf, but the world moves in strange ways.
Two more to go! Until next time!
Only two weeks left of this themed month.
After this picture on the 19th, there is still time for three more pictures.
What will next month bring? I have ideas up in my mind, but nothing is still certain.
But now onto the new picture!
In my own opinion this picture turned out quite well, but I am my worst critic and I see so many flaws in it that I don't care.
Hope you'll enjoy it!
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone and everything!
And a fun day for everyone else who isn't celebrating the day or is single. Don't worry, it's just another day, don't make a huge number of it to get all gloomy.
Picture time!
Midweek post with new picture.
It's Wednesday and time for a new picture. This one was bit tricky for all the right reasons, but still managed to make something.
This Friday is the 13th, but that doesn't mean I'm making a Friday 13th picture or something to do with the new 3ds.
No, I will be working on for what is on Saturday, Valentine's Day, or what it is better know up here in soggy Finland, Friend's Day.
Hello hello hello.
It has been quite a week and even more surprising with the responds and comments for the previous picture.
Of course they aren't visible in the forums, but in other sources such as this blog and some private messages have been quite positive and moral boosting for me.
So I thank you all who have enjoyed the last picture and the first one. Have this new picture as a treat then and hopefully you all will keep your stakes and torches down for the blasphemous change I've done.
A keen eye can see that I've used the "old" belf model, as I am heavily depending on ModelViewer and it's current build cannot read PTR files.
Time for an update!And remember, when visiting the gallery: click on the image to make it full sized.
This image I already had finished roughly 18hours ago, but I didn't have the time to post it out.
Also, this image contains cheating - I used a male Draenei who just had sex with the jelly-rolls Night Elf!
What is done is done and I'm quite happy with the picture and I hope some of you will enjoy it as well.
Boom! I'm back from my vacation!
It is the first day of February and let us begin with yet another themed month!
I have the whole month already planned full with ideas and concepts!
I've also taken step forward and left the obsolete(but loved) PhotoImpact behind and moved to use PhotoShop full time for my pictures. This might be seen on some clear error, as I am still learning how to use the bloody monolith.
Onwards for the first picture of the month!