28 June 2015

End of month post!


End of month is just behind the corner and here is next batch of pictures. Two of them as I promised.
I know some will be disappointed that it isn't featuring Sel in them. The reason for the troll(s) was that I hadn't done in a long time a picture with a female troll(if you don't count the picture with the magical book spraying all over ones face).
Nothing much else to tell. Have awesome summer!

28th June "Triple Jungle Ritual - part 1" [Troll/Pinup]

Jungle Rituals usually have only two participants,
but a skilled individual can preform up to five rituals at the same time.

28th June "Triple Jungle Ritual - part 2" [Troll/Straight/Orgy/Oral/Anal]
Jungle Rituals usually have only two participants,
but a skilled individual can preform up to five rituals at the same time.


Anonymous said...

Even if trolls aren't my thing, looks like you put a lot of work into em, very nisu!

Anonymous said...

So much green!

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th to a guy who doesn't celebrate it! D