NSFW R-rated blog of my silly wow-screenmanips of naughty things. Be warned!
26 December 2012
End of the year.
Right right, end of the year posting.
I've branched out with a identical topic in Azerothica, for those who prefer it then the original Darknest-forums.
I am also testing out few danbooru galleries with the Quilboar picture. So far hilarious comments been posted. This is just a small step before I'll begin to post new pictures into Hentai-Foundry.
I'm still slightly unsure, but I will be heading tat way since I only use in-game model for reference and guides - such as faces and body-figures.
If I don't manage to make a new picture before the end of the year, have a nice New Year and see you in 2013!
21 December 2012
I am bach!
Hyvää Joulua! Glada Julen! Merry Christmas and all those thing!
It has been over four months! FOUR MONTHS! Not a single picture were made during that time which is really sad for me.
I had tried to start on couple pictures once per months, but either massive loss of motivation or other reasons(he lies!) I couldn't make them.
Last month I had started on one, but I couldn't finish it. I had with this new picture as big problems, but I found a solution for it and finished it!
All this time, it was PhotoShop. My current style is possible to make with PhotoShop, if I was more skilled with that program - which I ain't.
So after changing back to PhotoImpact, I was working hours on the picture once again!
And yes, you can see clearly I haven't working in a while in the picture.
But anyway, here you go. I'll try to get back into action! :-E
09 September 2012
Current status (From forum)
Hello to all who reads this.
With the closing for the board, I'll be trying to find a new portal(s) to post my work in.
But before that, I'll be publishing messages in my blog while hosting pictures in my gallery.
The links are:
Blog: http://bakaras.blogspot.com
Gallery: http://bakaras.com/murlocish
I've been offered by Celestial Temptation and by Azerothica to post at their forums, which I might do.
I will also look around for other places to post, also try to work finally a proper site where to post.
I've also taken Hentai-Foundry into my sight, as my work cannot be said to be "screenshot manipulation" when the only in-game in the pictures are the background in them.
When would a new picture then come out? Depending on the current events in my life this week.
Ill cat is very ill. So we'll see. I'll try this weekend to do another dark iron picture.
Cya then in the new portals.
31 August 2012
Oh geez.
Terror of Darknest Forums.
It seems that a end of an "era" is approaching the forums.
Or more likely one part of it.
If it weren't for my friend Lotharemas, I wouldn't had noticed the lockdown or the approaching end of the forum section.
Boggled and confused as many, I cannot fully understand either what were decided among the people(if there was anything really decided then pure disgust).
As far as I can remember with this forum, I'm actually surprised that they haven't done this earlier if they are acting like this at the moment.
Trying to talk to the mods and the admin is possible useless, if most of them act like "ye great" Plissy.
Thou I have bought a hosting for my pictures and gallery, I would still need a place to publish my work other then my blog.
As a dear hobby for me, I wouldn't wish to quit now after all these years, due to the decision made behind the scenes with no questions.
Time to take step forward and possibly form a website(much like what Kayuna did with his thread and guild)?
Find a new portal where to post? Most places don't accept "in-game model manipulation screenshot" work.
There's another point. With the evolution of my recent work, can it be any more considered as "screenshot manip"?
For a very long time, I've only used most the backgrounds from the game and only the toons heads, hands and feet from the models.
Where the more newer and recent pictures don't use anything at all from the in-game models, only the backgrounds.
I know there aren't many out there to answer this, but would this be enough to move to the "drawn art" section?
I'm quite sure I ain't that welcome there, nor some of the mods would like to see me posting there.
But by the lightning bolt of Ukko Ylijumala! There are no parts of the new pictures that contain parts of Blizzards Entertainments owned models.
Or is using a screenshot as a background too much as well? It isn't much like we demanded for tribute or payment for our work of subgenre styled art.
I don't really see what the aim of the forum was then, if this board wasn't allowed. Fear of the bigger most likely.
I've ranted more then needed now and gotten off-track. G'night.
It seems that a end of an "era" is approaching the forums.
Or more likely one part of it.
If it weren't for my friend Lotharemas, I wouldn't had noticed the lockdown or the approaching end of the forum section.
Boggled and confused as many, I cannot fully understand either what were decided among the people(if there was anything really decided then pure disgust).
As far as I can remember with this forum, I'm actually surprised that they haven't done this earlier if they are acting like this at the moment.
Trying to talk to the mods and the admin is possible useless, if most of them act like "ye great" Plissy.
Thou I have bought a hosting for my pictures and gallery, I would still need a place to publish my work other then my blog.
As a dear hobby for me, I wouldn't wish to quit now after all these years, due to the decision made behind the scenes with no questions.
Time to take step forward and possibly form a website(much like what Kayuna did with his thread and guild)?
Find a new portal where to post? Most places don't accept "in-game model manipulation screenshot" work.
There's another point. With the evolution of my recent work, can it be any more considered as "screenshot manip"?
For a very long time, I've only used most the backgrounds from the game and only the toons heads, hands and feet from the models.
Where the more newer and recent pictures don't use anything at all from the in-game models, only the backgrounds.
I know there aren't many out there to answer this, but would this be enough to move to the "drawn art" section?
I'm quite sure I ain't that welcome there, nor some of the mods would like to see me posting there.
But by the lightning bolt of Ukko Ylijumala! There are no parts of the new pictures that contain parts of Blizzards Entertainments owned models.
Or is using a screenshot as a background too much as well? It isn't much like we demanded for tribute or payment for our work of subgenre styled art.
I don't really see what the aim of the forum was then, if this board wasn't allowed. Fear of the bigger most likely.
I've ranted more then needed now and gotten off-track. G'night.
27 August 2012
Yet again a dark lass.
I start work on one picture,
but then I find/get another idea that I find more superior then the current one I'm working on.
This is how it went last weekend and has happened countless times before.
But this time, I managed to work it out after I got home from the NukePlant.
It might be a clunky, but I find it nice.
Some might not find it enough fap-material, but you don't have to fap to everything.
Why yet again another Dark Iron? I actually have no idea.
Only thing I had in mind was that she would be either a Dwarf, Gnome or Goblin tinker.
I know she might look slightly off compared to the in-game dwarf and what has seen before.
But I tell you, not all of them are crafted from the same stone and smelter.
12 August 2012
I'm still alive! Part XX
Just to shamefully poke and give some news that I'm still alive.
- Reasons why nothing been posted the past three weeks.
- I was out of town for few days.
- I coulde decide what to make from too many ideas and little inspiration.
- The subtropical heatwave finaly arrived up here with thunderstorms.
- I still couldn't decide what to make.
- My work at the nuclear power-plant once again started.
- I was giving too much attention to my unstable connection this weekend to focuse on anything else.
- I've been reading One Piece manga from the first book, up untill 62 the past two weeks.
- I'm lazy.
17 July 2012
Something different for a change.
It's me again. A few days late, but it doesn't matter because I have a new picture to be shoooooown!
With two OrginalSel pictures in a row, I had hard time to come up with a third one to tease more.
I did once again had in mind to do a H.R.Giger tribute with her, but I scratched that.
Then I thought to make a picture her as an Librarian, but I scratched that too.
Next, I had the problem of having too many ideas and little inspiration.
But then it hit me. I would make a tease picture with Urdina!
I had everything ready to start working.
But, then something happened. Something that made me change my mind and prolong my work for days.
Until today.
So here is my newest picture, rather random but quite a rare sight I think.
Enjoy or noooooot~
17th July."Sleep in Duty" [Draenei/Solo/Male/Tease]
As if the heat of the searing summer wasn't enough, some do have to work indoors
with nothing to cool the air. The heat makes people lazy and tired.
Some even manages to sleep in the job while cooling down.
10 July 2012
Quick post.
A quick post that I was meant to do back on Sunday(8th July).
Much like the week earlier, no new post this time.
I have too many ideas at the moment and none of them gives me the inspiration to start working on them.
So deciding what to make this time is hard.
Wish I had more to tell, but I don't.
27 June 2012
Midweek responding.
Time for a poke and responding to the comments.
I can say that over the years, the forum has either changed more and more to favour futa styled art with the "pretty" races.
Also if there is any amount of clothing on and the picture isn't drawn, it's mostly seen unworthy for comments.
Not that I really mind it, as I've grown used to it and got my gallery to track views and votes on each picture.
Plus, this is my hobby and I take quite joy in making these pictures while I can't draw crap on actual paper, properly.
But anyway, it's only Wednesday and the picture was posted back on Monday(least it was in Finland).
Two comments in the gallery, five in my blog and two in my forum thread. That's actually quite good.
I might take next weekend off as I've posted one picture each week for three weeks in a row.
I say I -might-, who knows if I get a sudden inspiration for another tease picture or a "proper" porn picture.
Before I end, here's a- Oh! Sixth comment was just posted into my blog, heh.
As I was typing, here is a lil' bonus picture I "did" as I found a neat little npc-only headgear in the game.
The librarian did finally get her proper glasses! |
25 June 2012
Midsummer picture!
Hello, how are you? It's me again here with another picture update for all of you Lurkers to view at.
Midsummer came and went, but summer still stays here for a month or two
(or more depending where you live, unless it's winter over there at the moment. I'm looking at you, Australia.).
The heat-waves has also reached most parts of Azeroth, as the Midsummer festival is ongoing there.
Not that this picture has anything to do with the actual event, but it's summer themed at least.
So with no more dragging, here's a picture of Sel sunbathing on Stranglethorn Vale beach.
The summer is at it's warmest season( in some parts of the world)
and the heat drives people to the beaches for cooling and tanning.
Or in some cases, tease the fudge out of people.
19 June 2012
Responding in time!
Thank you, for the two brave souls that dared to post something here(forums),
when compared how many did post into the blog and there was even one posted in my gallery.
Next picture already this weekend during heat of Midsummer? I have no idea. It's possible,
I'll post more info when getting closer to the date if I'll postpone it for next week.
10 June 2012
Midsummer is behind the corner
Midsummer is coming closer!
Like the title states, Midsummer is coming closer really quickly and I only managed to make so far one new picture!
It's even a dwarven lass and something that I haven't done before, a Worgen... or well, Worgens genital.
10th June."Soothing Kiss" [Dwarf/Worgen/Oral/Straight]
Lone Chocolate Dwarven lass giving a soothing kiss for a friend.
I'm sorry that I didn't type anything more detailed or more info,
but I have been up 36hours or more no, so I'll be heading to bed before work.
21 May 2012
I'm surprised for the positive respond and apologize my late respond.
Thank you for the comments and outside the forum and blog. I'm actually quite surprised how you people have taken it forth.
I have nothing to offer now(yet), as last weekend was too long to focus on anything "important".
Specially after long ice cold soothing winter and spring, a huge heatwave devastated southern Finland(ice-cream summer has begun here now).
Originally Posted by boggybooI do know it and I'm quite speculating at it and Devianart.
You know hentai foundry? You should go there.
HF doesn't allow in-game model works there, but these new pictures technically aren't made with the in-game models.
Ii could be one option, but I am still hesitating.
14 May 2012
Once again, back from a hiatus.
I don't really have anything to to tell for reasons, I don't know myself either why I have been lacking so much motivation lately.
Not that I'm lacking inspiration at the moment, just motivation to get myself back to work on my hobby.
Something might be bothering me but I can't point it out.
As much as on the latest picture bothers me. I have no idea what bugs me in it, but something really ticks my mind that I nearly thought not to publish it out for people.
Would have been my very first picture that I would have finished but not published.
So I uploaded it with the stamp stating it's an experimental picture I did while using the new style.
- 14th May. Experimental picture: Dark Iron Lass [Dwarf/NonEro]
An experimental picture with the new style after hiatus.
So if you have any hints where I could post/share my work, do tell along with the mocking finger pointing at the picture and it's creator.
23 April 2012
Again again again
Well, I don't know what happened last weekend. I do remember it clearly, but before I noticed it was already Monday morning.
I have no real reason why no picture was made last weekend to be posted out today. Nothing much to tell so...
...so have a photo of my newest poster that I did put into frames.
And no, I don't know either what I've been eating.
15 April 2012
Mere weekly update.
Just a mere weekly post to tell what's going on:
- I did manage to get earlier this week an inspiration for a picture which most of you people wouldn't have enjoyed because wrong gender or not futa hehe.
- But due to the fact that I was out of town, at the other end of Finland where I live, I live my motivation for the idea of the inspiration.
- So no male draenei sitting with legs spread open with a clear erection and testicles bulging under his underpants.
That's all for this week I suppose.
10 April 2012
Happy Noblegarden 2012
Originally Posted by ackanime
As one artist to another all I can say is do something that inspires you, just something for you that you enjoy that's been running around your head. You'd be surprised how that can get the creative juices flowing again, but if it's not there then don't push it. You'll just frustrate yourself
And now to respond to your amazing bitchslap across my face. Or dunno...don't know what to respond but to show a photo of where the inspiration for this picture came from:
Plus some silly chatting with Escalayer about that the bunny doesn't look sexy, but still would hump it if in mood and... real then a toy from a chocolate Easter-egg.
BUT now to the main course and sight.
Be warned, this is really something you most likely didn't expect from me!
Funfact is that it took me three days to slowly make this... but in workhours only... five or six. Was really slowly made.
Two kinky pink Spring Rabbits having their Noblegarden way with a Spring Bunny. Such a sweet sight of the spring.
04 April 2012
I think too much.
Originally Posted by l2_ushxxx
- Your stuff is great. If you're feeling a loss, maybe you should take a break and have a stroll to get some ideas. I'm sure you'll make something great again.
That could be the case.
I might just have a burnout at the moment. I like doing these pictures, it's one of my main hobbies which is why I wouldn't want to put it into hibernation.
I'm trying to think what to do with all this or do I just need few more weeks more of break.
It's hard to explain when I myself don't really know what to tell. Most likely I'm just tired of making porn pictures and would want to focus on some other topics. Or that I don't get no more as much recognition as I used to get.
Who knows, I don't. But if you still see... or no bother, I doubt it has already crossed the border to Russian even.
Quite a dilemma I must say. Maybe I just need to get a pet or a get steady with someone.
And NO, I won't just make more futa pictures!
02 April 2012
Filler time once again.
You know what has five legs and runs really quickly and climbs up on the walls like a Xenomorph?
That would be motivation that has once more run off somewhere.
That means another week with no update even if I had started already working on the planned picture, but couldn't get it half way done.
So... I made some artistic crap as a filler picture.
I'm sorry if someone did expect a real update. Sadly I cannot offer it now, maybe after or during Easter.
Here's the picture of murlocish art.
2nd April. Loss of Motivation [Murloc/Filler/NonEro]
The pictures tells everything
25 March 2012
Keeping it alive.
Just to poke and tell you peeps that I'm taking this weekend off, like I normally do after posting a new picture.
I did have in mind to do a lil' picture of my goblin, but I'm postponing it for next weekend or further. All depending how I see
the community responding specially in DN forum.
19 March 2012
Storm Witch and High blood pressure!
I won't even bother to once again start with why I haven't or where I been.
I did type something on the previous message, so read from it.
So the next picture is made with the same style like the Quillboar lady.
I made a WIP animation to show the various stages, this times there is nearly double more of frames! G-G-G-G-GASP!!!
Nothing special to tell but that I've lost my touch to make two pictures per weekend hehe.
19th March 2012: Storm Witch and High blood pressure! [Pinup/Nude/Futa/Centaur/Cum]
Work in progress animation: WATCH IT BEEN MADE!
Why did I leave the mask on? It's part of the centaur lore actually. The male don't have lips and the females hide their faces behind scarf and mask.
Why? How should I know. Maybe it's because they are even more uglier then their male counterparts, or they are so beautiful
that it's more safer to keep the beauty hidden then visible.
And why futa? I have no answer to that.
Edit: Note to self. The size of the member might be slightly larger then I was planning.
12 March 2012
Me again.
Originally Posted by niliko
Cubi' where are you? What we need is you work.. Fap'able work with gnome & dwarf futas :3
And alive.
And being my usual self and stretching the release date further into distance.
Shouldn't be anything new that I stay a long time silent and even further then I should do.
But like it says on the first post: Updates every two weeks unless others told!
Soooo now I've telling you that I will try to catch up next weekend and not leave you few people in total darkness.
So here's a filler picture of my biggest fish I managed to catch with my car.
<<<<<<<<< [CLICK HERE TO SEE THE BIG FISH| >>>>>>>>>
01 March 2012
Days after the Quill
Seemingly five people were brave enough to say something about the latest picture or recovered from the shock.
People were scared and some were intrigued and actually liked the picture.
This was really what I was expecting of people to avoid my questions and just be stunned or ignore the picture hehe.
And no, it's not Charlga Razorflank. Just some still currently random female Quillboar with no name that we least know about.
As for another notes I've finally managed to sort the gallery. Now all pictures are in the correct order from newest to oldest.
I've also fixed the missing titles, tags and descriptions for all pictures expect Selanaar's gallery and the Legacy gallery.
Why? Because there is together 172 picture and that's awful lot of work to tag them all, specially the Legacy pictures.
I've also posted the few drawn pictures I have of Sel by three different artists.Which brings to my next tiny topic.
I once again have the ache to find someone to drawn Sel or one of my other characters.
The thing is that I'm really picky, bit too picky of the art-style if I have to pay. Specially when it comes to Sel.
I don't know why, but I just am.
Also, thank you for Masaknight for answering for me to the question. I really need to do character-profile pages for my toons,
with their stories and descriptions in them. Such as Sels updated and more accurate story and lore-friendly.
27 February 2012
New technique ?
I took few WIP "screenshots" to show the progress of the picture up to the finalized picture.
It's a six framed gif animation, but you should clearly see what is happening and changing. And if you don't, look again as it will loop.
Work in progress gif animation: >>>>>Watch it been made!<<<<<<
I suffered through Sunday not to post the newest picture before it was Monday.
And it is Monday now!
There is quite lot I wish to tell about the picture and making of it.
First of all I tried out a new art style technique to see how it would turn out. Mainly added borders to the "objects" I made.
But as the race I used in the picture was rather... how to say, rugged. So I made all skin/flesh parts the same way as the clothing.
I must say, I'm quite surprised myself of the final product.
I needed to make some cuts and compromises due to the races horrid structure, but I tried to keep it close as possible.
But in the end I gave lot more slimmer form and even a longer neck. I even nearly forgot the most important thing which
even is stated on the races name but noticed on the last minute!
I'm quite sure that this picture IS NOT everyone's cup of tea or coffee. Specially due to the race, it's not a futa picture nor nelf/draeneil.
But you should already know me well enough(I think, least some of you) that I like to experiment with different styles/races.
Also, I'm pretty sure this is the only porn picture you might find of the in-game race!
I took few WIP "screenshots" to show the progress of the picture up to the finalized picture.
It's a six framed gif animation, but you should clearly see what is happening and changing. And if you don't, look again as it will loop.
Work in progress gif animation: >>>>>Watch it been made!<<<<<<
18 February 2012
Friend day respond
Forum posts:Don't know how much "teamwork" was really involved in it, only Biizzy knows them self for sure.
Thanks, the angle and position made specially the breasts slight annoying to make.
Heh, the teaser didn't really hide the ogre's face nor the orc's forms... or if you just did chek the teasers filename to find out.
Blog posts:My deepest thanks to you. The comments and critics you people post(if only more people would) is my payment and motivation to continue making these pictures.
Can't please everyone all the time. But still thanks, trying to keep things interesting.
Happy Friend's day to you too.
I'm currently trying to come up with something to improve my style and make the pictures look even better.
It isn't that easy to come up how to achieve that. Only thing I've so far come up with is to add outlines to the "characters".
Also the next posts will be still something more different and maybe yet another one or two "Darknest first!".
I think that was what I wanted to tell for now. Thank you for the responds and comments.
Originally Posted by vlarg
Ahaha, that's some ancient lore teamwork!
Originally Posted by niliko
Wow..that is a hot orc girl, with those big titties!
Originally Posted by Dreamhawk
Hells to the yes, that would explain a lot :>
Awesome work!
Awesome work!
Blog posts:
Originally Posted by Saint Uther
You just keep coming up with better ideas and produce even better work. Thank you for sharing your talent with us, I look forward to your next submission.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Ogre thing pretty creepy for my tastes D:
But at least you're always creative!
But at least you're always creative!
Originally Posted by Duderino
Happy friendship day!
That poor orc D:
That poor orc D:
I'm currently trying to come up with something to improve my style and make the pictures look even better.
It isn't that easy to come up how to achieve that. Only thing I've so far come up with is to add outlines to the "characters".
Also the next posts will be still something more different and maybe yet another one or two "Darknest first!".
I think that was what I wanted to tell for now. Thank you for the responds and comments.
14 February 2012
And so it goes around a full year and once again we are here.
This year I actually made a Valenti- Oh sorry, it's called Friend's Day up here in the land of Polar bears and Northern Lights.
I know it's called "Valentines Day" or "All Hjärtans Dag" and it's for the loving people and single people to sulk.
But here in Finland it's really called Ystävänpäivä which is translated into Friend's Day.
We "celebrate" this day to remember our friends rather then loved one(s) that you either live with or see everyday.
Friend and families mostly, to be grateful of having them as your friend or family.
You can celebrate a gift hoarding lovers day everyday through the year, so why focus it on one single day?!?
So, here's my picture that I didn't finish last year... nor did I this year, so I made this one!
If you can't see the picture fully, use this link <PICTURE>
Now that that's off the way, into the actual teased picture.
Just had the crazy idea to make one of these... and so I did.
I tried to finish it already earlier, but you know how it is by now.
06 February 2012
Lets get this quickly over with!
I began to work already on a new picture, but I decided to let it wait another week and let me listen to podcasts from late years.
I thank for all the responds from the Blog-Exclusive picture, both from the forum and blog itself.
I was rather surprised that people would post anything into the forum of it, but I'm glad to see I'm wrong.
Also, more then happy to read that people actually liked it and that she was an Dwarf.
Never the less, I might do another picture of her. But do remember, it was a request picture, so there is a quite large chance that I might not use the character in any upcoming pictures.
Don't go yet!
I got a teaser of the upcoming picture!
I began to work already on a new picture, but I decided to let it wait another week and let me listen to podcasts from late years.
I thank for all the responds from the Blog-Exclusive picture, both from the forum and blog itself.
I was rather surprised that people would post anything into the forum of it, but I'm glad to see I'm wrong.
Also, more then happy to read that people actually liked it and that she was an Dwarf.
Never the less, I might do another picture of her. But do remember, it was a request picture, so there is a quite large chance that I might not use the character in any upcoming pictures.
Don't go yet!
I got a teaser of the upcoming picture!
30 January 2012
REQ: Blog exclusive!
That's right folks!
This "weeks" picture is blog-exclusive due to low ratings in the forums, or more like low rating of responds and comments.
So here you have a request from a friend to a friend as a birthday present!
27 January 2012
Oh I forgot to write about on thing.
But first:In time, but I won't lock any race(s).
Anyway. Some of you might remember those crossover pictures(and the comic I did put into hibernate) I made of Oblivion and WoW. Mostly just placed Sel into screenshots I took from the game with mods.
But first:
Originally Posted by DesoPLI hope see Sel again. In lesbian action with Blood Elf ! :P
Anyway. Some of you might remember those crossover pictures(and the comic I did put into hibernate) I made of Oblivion and WoW. Mostly just placed Sel into screenshots I took from the game with mods.
I would love to do those kind of pictures again with Skyrim, but at the moment there isn't the required mods out there(yet).
Maybe some other game would do just fine, but I can't think of any other game. As the Elder Scrolls games have a huge modding community, so there is bound to be custom-pose mods in time.
Where WoW has this neat software called ModelViewer to help create these picture.
Maybe some other game would do just fine, but I can't think of any other game. As the Elder Scrolls games have a huge modding community, so there is bound to be custom-pose mods in time.
Where WoW has this neat software called ModelViewer to help create these picture.
Couple of responds from my blog.
Here's couple of responds from my blog of the latest picture:
Then the comments from the gallery itself, where three brave souls dared to post:
What can I really say? People apparently loved the picture -outside- of the forums, or maybe it hasn't yet just been noticed by people in here.
Then answer some of the responds:
Hoping to get least one of them done.
Originally Posted by Anonymous
God I love the new sel so much, easily the best thing you make, I NEED MORE OF ITTT
January 24, 2012 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Its generic, but I have to say it: DAT ASS
I'm sorry you're losing inspiration, but I hope you find it soon, you seriously make the best manips in the whole wide interweb!
January 24, 2012 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Duderino
Since this pic is called "apology" let's just say I totally forgive you.
I just hope we can see sel in action soon, it's been about six months since she had some action!
I hope you find your spark of inspiration soon, I love your content.
January 24, 2012 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by AnonymousI'd seriously donate money if it was possible for sel going down on futaurdina
January 24, 2012 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Good lord its so good.
I don't even look at other stuff now, just your updates. Beyond hot.
January 27, 2012 11:50 AM
Then the comments from the gallery itself, where three brave souls dared to post:
Originally Posted by Lurker_Anonz[Jan 24, 2012 at 09:58 AM]
I strongly prefer this Sel, stupidly hot.
Originally Posted by Lurker_Herp[Jan 24, 2012 at 02:57 AM]
I kinda prefered Sel when she was more like the draenei model, still okay though :D
Originally Posted by Lurker_Anon[Jan 23, 2012 at 11:24 PM]
What can I really say? People apparently loved the picture -outside- of the forums, or maybe it hasn't yet just been noticed by people in here.
Then answer some of the responds:
- Sel has had action back in November, but you were only able to see the after-sex scene... so I guess you are correct there.
- What comes to the in-game models. I can see why people prefer them, but I self like to create and use the models only as guides.
Also the low count of polygons makes me grief and agonize at times. Besides Selanaar is in her lore/story quite "big boned" rather then a common slim looking Draenei. - How did she get all chubby? How should I know. Maybe her metabolism isn't that good and most of her food gets stored into her flesh? Maybe she just likes sweet things or actually everything, since she is quite a chef herself too.
- You can throw all the money you want against the screen, no donation button will appear as long as I keep using in-game models and backgrounds in the pictures. Sad, I know.
But the idea of Sel with FutaUrdina isn't quite far fetched, might do that some time in the future but not now.
Hoping to get least one of them done.
23 January 2012
Life is strange I must say.
One week you got huge plans to do, then the next day it all vanishes in the wind.
Another week you have nothing planned, but something appears always on the last minute.
What's this have to do with the newest picture?
Something new that you wouldn't have already known of my "style" of posting new pictures?
Nothing really, just being a lazy ass, that's all.
Plans for pictures keeps stacking in the computer and head, but motivation is far far away. Probably in Iceland I guess.
I had and was already started doing backgrounds for multiple pictures for last weekend, but what do you know! Gone with the wind!
So I decided to make a lot simple and easier picture that wouldn't take long(just around three or four hours).
So here you go, another teasing picture of Sel.
And cake? It was soooo tasty... om nom nom.
One week you got huge plans to do, then the next day it all vanishes in the wind.
Another week you have nothing planned, but something appears always on the last minute.
What's this have to do with the newest picture?
Something new that you wouldn't have already known of my "style" of posting new pictures?
Nothing really, just being a lazy ass, that's all.
Plans for pictures keeps stacking in the computer and head, but motivation is far far away. Probably in Iceland I guess.
I had and was already started doing backgrounds for multiple pictures for last weekend, but what do you know! Gone with the wind!
So I decided to make a lot simple and easier picture that wouldn't take long(just around three or four hours).
So here you go, another teasing picture of Sel.
- 23th January 2012: Call for Forgiveness [Draenei/Solo/BBW/Tease]
Due to the artist being lately absent,
Sel is willing to share some of her cakes as an apologize.
And cake? It was soooo tasty... om nom nom.
06 January 2012
2012 #1
It's already 2012 and another year has been counted into my age even.
Oh and um... Well I did get rather busy during the Christmas-holidays and the New Year's weekend, hence I have poor reason why I didn't post anything.
So um... I had in mind to do something like "uriel" posted with Sel, but I scrapped that idea when a sudden idea of a dwarf lass appeared in my mind.
So here we are and now. FINALLY NOW at the 6th day, on Epiphany, I finally post something out.
Why still keep the Christmas-theme? I don't know outside of the Scandinavia and Finland, the Christmas "holiday" lasts up to 6th of January, so called 20 day Christmas. Also here in wet and flooding Finland it's tradition to throw out the Christmas-tree on that date.
It's a national holiday so there are flags up on the poles to celebrate my birthday.
Oh but you waited for this picture for so long that I'll post it now. Maybe I'll do something special later this weekend to make it up. I won't promise but I'll try.
Also, not all Dark Iron Dwarf lasses are futas! >:(
It's already 2012 and another year has been counted into my age even.
Oh and um... Well I did get rather busy during the Christmas-holidays and the New Year's weekend, hence I have poor reason why I didn't post anything.
So um... I had in mind to do something like "uriel" posted with Sel, but I scrapped that idea when a sudden idea of a dwarf lass appeared in my mind.
So here we are and now. FINALLY NOW at the 6th day, on Epiphany, I finally post something out.
Why still keep the Christmas-theme? I don't know outside of the Scandinavia and Finland, the Christmas "holiday" lasts up to 6th of January, so called 20 day Christmas. Also here in wet and flooding Finland it's tradition to throw out the Christmas-tree on that date.
It's a national holiday so there are flags up on the poles to celebrate my birthday.
Oh but you waited for this picture for so long that I'll post it now. Maybe I'll do something special later this weekend to make it up. I won't promise but I'll try.
- 12th December 2011: 20 Days of Holidays [Dwarf/Pinup/Upskirt]
When the Christmas and New Year picture gets put into hiatus,
you resolve into other holidays.
Also, not all Dark Iron Dwarf lasses are futas! >:(
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