NSFW R-rated blog of my silly wow-screenmanips of naughty things. Be warned!
30 December 2023
24 December 2023
Winter Veil 2023: Gingerbread Tower
Hi, just here to post this tiny little picture just frome Christmas.
It isn't much, but it is festive. While working on this picture,
Blenders crashed on my more than ever. I have no idea what in my
gingerbread tower was causing the crashes, but it sure didn't like it
when I was making the shaders and checking the textures. Maybe it is
time to upgrade my graphics-card from GTX 1060 to something like 3060 or
Just enjoy the end of the year in anyway you like!
December 24th - "Winter Veil 2023: Gingerbread Tower" [Belf/BBW/SFW]
More familiar with pastries and bread,
the baker doesn't run away from challanges.
The tower has been erected and the baker
is satisfied with her work. Not an architectural
marvel or pretties decorations, yet for a first,
she's happy with it. Merry Winter-Veil!
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17 December 2023
Winter Veil 2023: Warmth of the Fire
Much like last year, I'm once again posting the first festive picture
quite late to the season. I might fit one or two more before the end of
the year. We'll see.
And like last year, a very special lady is giving you a gift for being
such a well behaving person, especially when visiting the library. While
you might not think of it as much, hot chocolate and gingerbread
cookies by the roaring fire is quite nice. Keep it up! You're bound to
win big one year!
Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
but the fire is so delightful.
And since we've no place to go,
let us have some hot choco and cookies.
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13 December 2023
Neighbour from Hell part 2
Let me reintroduce you to Gix! This goblin sized pear shaped lass is quite handy with machinery - she is goblin after all. She loves loud booming music and doesn't give any thought if her hobbys make loud noises to her neighbours. Although, she has been evicted from her previous homes for these reasons and who knows, if these stern words doesn't work, she might have to move out once more.
Your new neighbour doesn't take the hint
and you return to bang at the door for her to
turn down the ruckus. Gix, the goblin, tells you
that you have to make her. So you do.
Perhaps this time she'll learn her lesson.
==XL-Size Edit==
09 December 2023
Neighbour from Hell
I um, I wasn't planned to do anything like this, this late in the year.
But I did! I did the same thing last year with announcing the huge Naga.
Now, we have yet another character to add into the roster: a new goblin brat!
She's lot different from the previous announcements, with not having
massive, eyecatchers. At the moment at least, just wide wide hips,
bubbly butt and a grin to kill with.
While I enjoy keeping the character proportions true to the lore and
in-game models, I do hate with the shorter races, the usage of different
kind of stockings is sadly rather hard as you cannot really show off
how they look and how the fabric squeezes the soft flesh. Or maybe I
just haven't found the correct way to make it to work. Wide hips does
make it harder, but not impossible. Maybe just knee-high, not
Enough rambling, time for the picture!
After a long week of work, you just want to
relax. But as soon as you sit down, the walls
begin to shake and loud music booms through the
walls from your nextdoor neighbour. At first you
try to ignore it, but unable to unwind you decide
head over and tell that brat a word or two.
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26 November 2023
Hot Spring and Massage
Here's something different for a change. Well, no that much, we're still
continuing with the big women parade, but this time it is an older OC
than brand new. We haven't seen her for a while, so it was nice to use
her for this picture.
While her main role within the Lorewalkers
is preserving and copying texts for later use,
Selsel is also one of the most requested hostess
when it comes to their guests. She has few tricks
up in her sleeves to ease the stress and welcome
to the remote land of Pandaria.
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19 November 2023
Caught By the Beast
I'll slightly vent here. As Outland doesn't really have a sun to light
up the regions outside from Nagrand, it is rather annoying when working
in Hellfire Peninsula! Not having any shadows makes the picture flat and
if I use too much shadows, it isn't authentic to the lore! I know this
is a very minute thing, but it does bother me.
Maybe the next part of her arc, she could have been moved somewhere else, with a proper sun and colours of than red!
Anything about the picture itself? Naw, I'm quite happy with it.
Reports of the giant of a beast roaming the
barren and uninhabitable region are trifling.
Only few have returned to inform of her
bloodrage ways and what she does to her captives.
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11 November 2023
Beast of the Ruined World
Right, November is in good speed already and I had few weeks off there.
Mainly to regain inspiration and motivation. I would've made couple of
more commissions, but sadly, I just couldn't find the time for them.
Plus, I was working on a super spooky character for Halloween, but I
never really got happy with it even after three different iterations, so
she has to wait for anotther time. Some of you might have seen the
filler-teaser I posted in Twitter of her.
But now onto the fresh and new picture! Remember when I did that lil'
survey-thingy of asking opinions what my next toon would be like, of the
three missing player races? Belf, Forsaken and Orc. Sarina was created by that and I made two pictures of her.
Well, I didn't just delete the answers after I had created her. No sir. I
saved them to use for the remaining races and now we'll see the reveal
of the second one. She did get 50/50 with Plus size and muscular, so I
combined them and used the rest as they were given. A warrior in her
middle age with huge sizes but not as ridiculous as Sarina's. YET! I
didn't just want to leave it to that, after fiddling around and looking
deeper into the lore of the race, I saw it.
So here I introduce to you, the beast of the Outland, a giant of the Fel Orcs: Gosuzka Doomflesh!
While much fewer in number, either imprisoned, slain or
perished due to withdrawal, few do still roam the slowly
crumbling Outland. Within the scattered tribes, there is
a giant of a beast, known as Gosuzka Doomflesh.
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24 October 2023
Autumn 2023 Commission #7: Sunlight and the Dwarf
Time for the next commission. Now we travel from the autumn chilled
Ashenvale all over the world to the ever sunny and warm Stranglethorn. A
dwarf paladin is trying to enjoy some R-N-R, but all the gawking eyes
does kill the mood.
This is the seventh of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by King_tiddy.
2023 Autumn Commission #7
Stranglethorn is infamous for its hostile nature
and locals. Yet, the region is acclaimed by the
unending warm beaches surrounding the cape.
People travel far and wide to bathe in the sunlight
and enjoy the warm tropical water - if not pestered by gawking eyes.
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17 October 2023
Autumn 2023 Commission #6: Hot Chocolate and Rain
Number six! We are up at number six of this years autumn commissions and
it is time to slightly calm down and enjoy the weather. Those who can.
There isn't much to tell about the picture, it is a cozy scene with cozy
feel people get while having hot beverage while looking out into the
cold weather.
This is the sixth of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by Lunash.
2023 Autumn Commission #6
Autumn in Ashenvale doesn't cause much
change in the colour of the ancient forest,
yet it does bring in cooler air and rain.
During those times, even the stout Kaldorei
prefers the warmth of their cozy homes.
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08 October 2023
Autumn 2023 Commission #5: Bilge Rats Rascals
Number five! This is the fifth of this year's autumn commisions and it
actually contains five different characters in it. Coincidence? Yes, yes
it is.
First, as a note for those who bother to read these posts and might want to submit an commissions request in the futre: The form of penis used on any anthromorphic characters can ways be changed for your preferences.
So for example, in this picture both Quillboar and the Gnoll have more
"traditional" and humanoid like penils, rather than anatomically
correct. Quillboars would have what Suidae and Gnolls would have what Hyenas
would have, something resembling more feline than canine. Yet, if you
ever want a Gnoll with a dog dick and you're request has managed to get
past the filter, then it will happen.
Does this have huge importance on the picture about a pirate who is
rather miffed from yet again loosing at game of cards? No, not really.
This is the fifth of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by Dopy.
2023 Autumn Commission #5
After loosing yet another game of cards
against the Bilge Rats crew, yet again agreed
to the humiliating payment, she is starting to
suspect that the rascals might've been cheating
all these times. Perhaps.
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03 October 2023
Autumn 2023 Commission #4: Coaching the Younger
And here we have the fourth entry to this years autumn commissions. It is
a messy one, but full of heat, lust and passion for each other. The air
is cold, yet the flames outside of the picture warms the air, as the
desert has gotten rather cold after the sun has set. Old one showing his
passion for the younger, while the younger wants to show her affection
towards the older.
This is the fourth of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by Flunky.
2023 Autumn Commission #4
During the day, the temperature of a desert
can become unbearable for most life,
but during the night the temperature pummels
down and source of heat is recommend.
Clothing, fire and sweat inducing activity.
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25 September 2023
Autumn 2023 Commission #3: Bathtime Intrusion
And now time for the third commission. This one was a rather fun one to
make, even though it caused Blender to crash even more than the previous
picture. I'm starting to become suspicious. Oh well, I might look into
it some other time.
This is the third of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by FreddiMarrow.
2023 Autumn Commission #3
People take it differently, when their private
moment is being disturbed. Some stays calm,
one might actually welcome it and others can
turn rather violent and do more than just ask
you to leave them alone.
==XL-Size Edit==
19 September 2023
Autumn 2023 Commission #2: Loch Modan Luve
Well this picture took longer than I anticipated. Blender had odd
problems and wanted to crash more than usually. Not quite sure what was
causing in, yet it is in the past now and the picture is ready and
This is the second of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by DizzyingDizzy11.
2023 Autumn Commission #2
The cool air of the mountains, the fresh smell of
approaching autumn and lovely company to share
it with over a romantic picnic. Few bottles later and
your date wants to show you something she bought
the other day from a traveling Vulpera merchant.
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13 September 2023
Autumn 2023 Commission #1: Hot Spring Shenanigans
I'm few days late, yet I think I'll still be able to publish more or
less all of the pictures the council decided me to make of all the
submitted commission requests. I might force a theme rule next year,
because I'm feeling somewhat evil. But we'll see in what mind set I am
next spring. This years commission submissions did vary a lot, so it was
hard to choose which ones to pick. Here's the first one!
ps. Don't look under the water.
This is the first of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by Lexi.
2023 Autumn Commission #1
While your whole body relaxes in a hot spring,
specific minerals in the water provide the chemistry
that boosts healthy relaxation and stress relief.
But can also lure in unwanted guests with naughty
intends, that you actually fancy a round or two with.
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03 September 2023
Ice Cream and the Tauren
I know it is already September. This is the last summer picture, honest!
I just wanted to do one more picture with Nahimana before attending to
the autumn commissions.
She finally thought she's all alone
and can at last enjoy her ice cream,
you come sneaking behind and
disturbing her private time. How rude!
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27 August 2023
Ice cream at the Beach
I was working on something else, when I realized that there has been
quite lack of female Taurens. So I on the spot dug out one of mine and
started to give her a small update before coming into the realization I
had no actual idea for a picture. Whoops.
Also, if you still haven't noticed, the commission is open. If you have
some trouble of not being able to login using your google account, you
can leave your request at my twitter PM's.
Normally, she doesn't wear anything this
revealing, but she wanted to try out what her
colleague had tried few summers back. But she
wasn't expecting this kind of attention.
==XL-Size Edit==
24 August 2023
Autumn 2023 Commissions are open!
Would you look at that, it's commission time!
Summer still lingers, yet September is right
behind the corner with cool winds of autumn.
So let's celebrate another summer we survived
by submitting your commission requests to me!
13 August 2023
Scrying Orb of Vision
And here we are once again visiting Sarina's bakery for her freshly
baked buns and juicy cakes. Though she might need to hire one of the
local engineers to instal some kind of anti-arcane forcefields on her
shop for those more naughty customers with no manners. How rude!
As popularity grows, so does the variety
of customers and in the city of magic,
you never really know if the orb is really
for vision aid or for something more impish.
==Clothes on Edit==
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08 August 2023
Sarina's Bakery
The past five or really six years, August has been a theme month, when I
make pictures that focuse on a certain race. This year, I'm skipping
it. It is a busy month this year, so I'll see if I can do the whole
theme month later this year or we'll have to wait for another time.
This doesn't mean I'll be slacking off. Oh no. There will be big
pictures coming out and one of them is what this whole post is about.
Two weeks back, I asked over at twitter to answer to a survey and help
me make a new character for one of the mission races I still don't have a
permanent toon. Blood elves, Forsaken and Orcs. These are the remaining
"core" races I still don't have a solid character to use. The results
came in and with the data I recieved, I was able to make this new
Please welcome, Sarina Sweetvale, a Blood elf baker!
A new bakery has opened in Dalaran
and it is taking the city by storm!
Not only does the shop sell a wide range
of breads, the displays are all full of cakes,
cinnamon rolls, pastries, pies, eclairs and more!
==XL-Size Edit==
24 July 2023
Workplace Antics
Summer vacation is over and back to work at the lathe. Sweat and tears,
but it keeps the bills away and I can buy music and comics and sweet
little things for my woman.
But enough about that, time for a rather quick new picture! I was
quickly back on the drawingboard and planning for the next picture after
the flower picture. I've had this "under the table" idea for a
while, but it had always involved use of gnomes. But recently just had
made a picture with three of them flocking around an orc penis, so I had
to think of something else: Dwarves.
With that, it all came like a rush and soon I was updating Byllo's model
and the picture built nearly itself from there! While the main picture
doesn't really requier it, I made another one to go as 'world building',
allowing you to see the room, the raw tension in the air and high risk.
And yes, I've checked it. The bookpiles does block all views from the
human.She can only see his upper body. The dwarf is fully hidden.
Byllo has managed to get a job at an office
where they copy all types of scribbled publishing.
While her trade is more of making enchanting
glyphs and scrolls, knowing how to make your own
ink from exquisite and restrictived materials
is quite a marvelous skill to have.
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July 24th - Workplace Antics (2/2) - [Draenei/Dwarf/Oral]
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20 July 2023
Field of Butterflies
And now for something more soothing to look at. Unless you have
allergies, then the field of flowers might be quite a death trap - if
you would be inside the digital picture that is.
Janilja hasn't had a picture in nearly three years and it is rather
refreshing once in a while to use a character whos breasts doesn't
requier spine made of steel or use of magic for levitation enchantments.
You could say, this is an artsy picture, in my standars, since how little the skin is taking of the whole picture.
There are time when one just wishes
to walk with no rhyme or reason.
Along the beach or through a field,
it is more of recharging and refreshing
ones mind and soul with a tranquil scenery.
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13 July 2023
2023 Survey Picture #1: The Wolf's Predicament and Stuggle
Funny, this is the third year in a row, when Selanaar has been the start
of the years first community survey. If you knew the survey results and
I how I read them, you'd surprice how wide spread the votes went
between all the characters.
For this picture, as Selanaar won, I decided to YET once more
re-do her model. This time, I had awesome bases to work from, something I
will most likely use with many upcoming random toons and commissions.
The base really made all the effor worth it, even though I would like to
go back and tell me to use it lot sooner - than spend a whole day
struggling with other bases. And now, I think this is the tenth
model I've made of her in the recent years, is ready for publicity!
Sure, she could use a proper pinup picture to show all her new forms
along with her new hairstyle, thicker tail and new somewhat gnarly
horn(s). As with these pictures, you don't get to see the full size at
once. Maybe later this summer. Who knows.
Oh and it seems these two pictures were the 799th and 800th picture at my gallery! That's A LOT!
July 13th - "The Wolf's Predicament and Struggle" (1/2) [Draenei/Worgen/BBW]
2023 Survey Result #1 Angle A
The wolf had been stuck in his study
for months and was about to reach his
breaking point. When, as if the world knew,
a librarian came to visit him, delivering much
needed relief to his burdening conflict.
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July 13th - "The Wolf's Predicament and Struggle" (2/2) [Draenei/Worgen/BBW]
2023 Survey Result #1 Angle B
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08 July 2023
07 July 2023
The Pack Caught A New Toy
Hear that? It is the distant drums of the savages. They are sending
their packs out in search of new playthings for their needs. Lock the
doors and keep yourself safe. Who knows what these vile she-devils do
with their captives!
The ferocious hunters of Grizzly Hills
aren't picky when it comes to their prey.
As long the captive has what they need,
any race will do. It doesn't matter,
they still play the same with their new toy.
==XL-Size Edit==
05 July 2023
Community Survey Picture! 2023 edition: Part 1!
That's right, just like the picture says, time for this years first Community Survey!
You know the drill by, head through the link into the survey and fill it up!
Don't worry, you don't need to be logged into your google account to answer.
Click the link to go to the google survey!
>>> Survey Link is here! <<<
26 June 2023
Strength Of Size
I had a ponder over the midsummer and posted a sneaky question over at
Twitter of sizes. It was just a chart of old size chart of English wine
barrels and it seemed like people preferet the 'Butt' size, so I went
with it. It isn't the largest barrel size, but it is quite buttload!
I doubt even the biggest of the girls of my roster to hers, erm, theirs, size.
There are only very few humanoid races
that could dwarf the giant Ogres.
Ogres are large, heavily built and quite
brutish people. They greatly respect strength
and won't hesitate to use it on every instant.
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20 June 2023
Hoodoo of the Mirror
I don't have much to say about this picture. I wanted to make a picture with a big butt in it and use a troll.
So I did.
I do need to come up with a name for this tusked blueberry, before her next picture.
She doesn't mind being watched,
yet she would like to get some
private time to robe oneself.
==XL-Size Edit==
13 June 2023
Treasure Hoarding Magpie
Took a bit off to relax after all the commissions and also to rework on a
model. This is her third iteration to be exact, yet I think this is the
final one and how she'll look forever. I made her from scratch and used
only the best parts which I could find. Now she has a proper working
body and she is actually a cross between an nelf and bird. This also
means she can be used in lewd pictures if I want.
I even gave her plumes a new colour sceheme, to resemble the Euroasian
Magpie. It is hard to see from this angle, but trust me! There are also
few other alterations, but they are hidden under the sweater she had
lent to the Ogrette - hence why it is so stretched looking.
If there is one thing I really would want was more clear with the
harpies are the eyes. They have no pupils in-game and in some of the
official art. But then there are official art with pupils! Come on!
Which one is it?!? I went with in-game style, as that is how I've made
my pictures and models the past 16 years.
Harpies are vicious, flying creatures that
resemble a cross between a night elf and
a hunting bird, with long talons for feet and
large graceful wings for arms. Majority of them
love to shed blood of their victims and
some of them love anything shiny.
==XL-Size Edit==
28 May 2023
Spring Commission 2023 #8: Summer Flowers
And here it is! The last of this years spring commissions! And just in
time before sumemr officially begins! Or well, I'm sure summer is
already further than ever at some regions and I fear what this summer
will bring up to the north for us people of snow and gloom.
I like to thank everyone who sent their applications months back and I
also like to thank for the increased interest for commissions. If I
didn't have own ideas to make, I would open commissions right away, but
I'll stay strong and wait until Autumn for the next batch. Hope to see
you then again for new commissions!
This picture is another two angle one to give you the the full
experience of the colourful scenery and all the tiny insects and
critters enjoying the blossoming world. It was actually hard to find a
good place for a tiny flower garden, but I think I found a nice secluded
place to mold for the picture. And yes, I'm thinking the same. That
worgen must have a pretty strong jaw by now from getting it least once a
year bashed against something.
This eight and last of the 2023 Spring commissions and it was requested by Lady Butterfly.
2023 Spring Commission #8
Early summer is a time of renewal and
vibrancy as gardens and landscapes
transition from the gentle hues of spring
to the bold colors and textures of the summer months.
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May 28th - "Summer Flowers: Behind" [Human/Pinup/Comm]
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21 May 2023
Spring Commission 2023 #7: Chieftain's Warrio Queen
Alright, here's the next one of spring commissions. And looking outside
the window, I think it is summer but that's a minor detail we can
This is somewhat interesting commission, as it is an continuation of an
earlier commission from last year. So she had worked hard for ten years
since the explosion and had bonded with the tribe. And since then, she
had ascended in the ranks sky high! While she has been one of them for
years, her former life as human, still lingers inside her, hence why
pinkies are up.
As a bonus detail, since she's using a Kul Tiran model, she is quite
tall and big in nature, so the towering nature of Taurens are lost with
her. And no, those aren't her horns. They are part of her
headband/crown. She's one of them, she needs to have own pair of ebony
This seventh of 2023 Spring commissions was requested by Dopy.
2023 Spring Commission #7
After ten arduous years, the former soldier,
now a Grimtotem warrior, has fought her way
up in ranks and today stands beside the
chieftain as his wife. While she is now his,
the raiders are still allowed to recieve
"blessings" from the Warrior Queen.
==XL-Size Edit==
16 May 2023
Spring Commission 2023 #6: Equally Matched
I don't know if I should give any kind of warning this time, but I'll
still type it here. This commissions contains big penises, two of them,
big muscular trolls with large penises. There, that's out of the way.
This was a bit of different, as the in-game models of the Trolls aren't
the most bulky ones, if you look past the dire trolls. But luckily I
have a semi-working Forest Troll model I made years back and could use
his body for this picture. Not the best modeling, but it sure beats the
old vanilla models or the unusable emmisary model.
This sixth of 2023 Spring commissions was requested by AD
2023 Spring Commission #6
Trial after trial, the two friends have
tried to best one other in various events,
yet they are equal in every manner.
Althought, the competitions strengthens
their manly bonding day by day.
==XL-Size Edit==
08 May 2023
Spring Commission 2023 #5: Custom Order
And after four comes five. That isn't the highest I can count, yet we
are in a good start. As for the next entry of the spring commission,
there isn't much to say, the picture itself does the talking. If you
aren't into canines and/or inaccurate genitals, then this picture isn't
for you. In hindsight, I could've given her at least some flipflops but
oh well.
This fifth of 2023 Spring commissions was requested by Grayhaven
2023 Spring Commission #5
A new merchant had put up a stall and
showing out his wares and tinkering skills
for those with coin. Intrigued by his stock,
an adventurous Gnome was curious to place
a custom order and inquire his specs.
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02 May 2023
Spring Commission 2023 #4: Like Mother, Like Daughter
Fourth picture is ready. Or well, there is two of them, but it is the
fourth spring commission. I just had to add another angle for the
picture to give the over all picture of the setting.
Now are they real tropical branch of the Gnome-family or are they just
bunch of really tanned boys over at some island and decided to play
tricks on her? Who knows! But they sure like to party and their
chieftain is getting a private lapdance with unforeseen consequences in
the horizon.
This fourth of 2023 Spring commissions was requested by lyral.
2023 Spring Commission #4
Much like her mother, Becky has a deep
fascination for shorter people. Yet, unlike her
mother, she doesn't aim to get involved with
them sexually, it just happens. Like now, with
the tribe of tropical Gnomes and their chieftain.
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May 2nd - "Like Mother, Like Daughter" (2/2) [Human/Gnome/Comm]
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25 April 2023
Spring Commission 2023 #3: Endurance Trials
And here we have the next instalment of this years Spring Commissions.
This one contains big girls from various races and other body positive
vibes. Nothing much else really to tell, the picture is quite self
This third of 2023 Spring commissions was requested by SunGlassFuck
Spring 2023 Commission #3
Humans are known for being quite a hardy
race and with great endurance when it comes
to long distance travels on steady jogging speed.
But does that law hold true inside bedchamber?
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17 April 2023
Helpful Guide - A Perspective
I know I'm middle of commission spring, but I had this idea and I
wanted to make it before I forget it deep inside the vast pile of ideas.
I wanted to play around with perspectives and size differences, so
where we have one! Sure, I do have quite a few tall and big characters
to choose from, yet my mind was set on the nun.
Commissions resumes next time.
During her daily stroll through Stormsong Valley,
the young nun met a lost visitor, asking for guidance..
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09 April 2023
Spring Commission 2023 #2: Shore Leave
Time for the second Spring Commission picture and this one is also something big from my part!
With this picture, I've officially entered the next expansion! Although,
I still haven't played the game since Legion. Eh. Still, fun to use new
models for a change.
Oh and before I forget, while the flying sextupedal(I think that
is a word) lizards crafted by late Neltharion, they are androgynous but
do for some reason posses genders. So in this picture, we have two male ones doing manly things together.
This second of 2023 Spring commissions was requested by Arryl_b
2023 Spring Commission #2
After long time serving in the army with no
vacations, a good shore leave is a fine way to bolster
your bond with fellow comrades of your corps.
==XL-Size Edit==
03 April 2023
Spring Commission 2023 #1: Hiking Intermission
Time to get the 2023 Spring Commission train going! There are many
pictures coming and amazingly there isn't a common theme with this years
spring picture. How rare!
First we have a simple picture. The request was only one sentence long
and had little to work with, yet it was the perfect one to start this
spring with!
This first one of 2023 Spring commissions was requested by DizzyingDizzy11
Spring 2023 Commission #1
Unlikely couple hiking up north through Grizzly Hills.
As they find a nice spot to rest for a while,
a sudden heatwave rushes over them. To cool down they
strip down and wait for the air to be once more refreshing.
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26 March 2023
Learning by Reading
I know I'm due to post something really lewd, but I decided to save my lewdness powers
for the commissions. So I made this lil SFW picture. I already finally
came up with a name for her, making her officially into my ever growing
list of characters. Back when I created her for the commission, the
only traits that was given to me to work with was "worgen with massive dohoonkabhankoloos!".
When not teaching at the Library,
Amely enjoys reading books that she
borrows from the public cache. Even the
more limited and private copies.
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22 March 2023
Spring 2023 Commissions are open!
It's Spring commission time
Slots are open and the council is ready to judge your requests!
19 March 2023
Rest Your Weary Head
Right! I hope I'll now manage to get back to my normal schedule of
uploading pictures on late Sundays(Finnish time). I doubt that'll
happen, but I can hope!
Now here we have a nice little soft picture of a helpful soul aiding one
with a troubled one to after a long while, get finally some rest. I had
slight difficulty to decide which of the spiritual healers would be
featured in the picture. This time, the tall one won. Neffani and the
still unnamed Troll priestess will have their turn another time. Beside,
the Troll's thighs are still quite fresh in your minds.
Another pickle was who and what would be resting its head on that soft
lap. Had a quick thought and decided to go with an elf. It is up to you,
if he is either Blood or High, as in the picture you cannot tell.
Sleep well~
Weary travelers are always welcome to
stay at the abbey of the Tidesages.
More troubled souls are tended by the
nun's, easing the mind with the warmth
and finally achieve long yearned sleep.
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15 March 2023
Stable Master and the Peasant
Been a while since we last time saw this white haired paladin. I don't
have much else to say, but I wanted to try out something new with the
storytelling in the picture and tried out the two-panel phasing trick or
what you would call it. I also did learn that I have some big problems
with her model, which I just recently did remake - two years back. I'll
see if it'll become a real problem or more an annoyance that will bite
me another time.
Many of the local peasants work alongside with
Argent Crusade at Hearthglen. While not part of
of the order, many have established friendships
with the members and some even more.
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07 March 2023
Women's Day 2023
International Women's Day is tomorrow, on the 8th of March. I'm posting
this years Pandarian Women's Day today, on the 7th of March, so it fits
the story of the picture. Is that confusing and dumb enough? Good.
This year Selsel will be absent from her yearly picture and instead we
have a confused Chunho wondering what is going on. Just a silly picture.
Sure, the joke is gone without knowing the context and the flavour
While visiting Stormwind City to sell his
tasty noodles, Chunho recieves a handful
of letters directed to him and wishing a
wonderful Women's Day. This deeply confuses
the lad and makes him wonder if the locals
can tell the difference between female and
male Pandaren at all. Outrageous!
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26 February 2023
New Stablehand
Here I am again with a new picture. I took a week to fiddle around with
the character and see what would look good on him. He is a far cry from
what he used to look back in 2013, yet I do think this will stick and
stay as his current style.
The picture itself is very simple, but it should tell a simple tale of a goblin boy.
Febraury 26th - "New Stablehand" [Goblin/SFW]
If there is money, a Goblin will try to get
involved with it. Yet there are few rare
individuals that do it for less, just because
they like the trade. Like this goblin boy, Slinzy.
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15 February 2023
Sand Gnomes of the Bone Wastes
So, we know that there are quite few variations of the Gnomes out there,
officially. Forest gnomes are thing I created back in 2008. BUT! There
are one elusive race variant, which is at the same time official but
also a in-game myth:
The Sand Gnomes!
That's right, burrowed under the shifting sand of Bone Wastes in
Terokkar Forest, Outland. There some dry skinned tribal gnomes jumps on
people, yet no one believes you when you tell about them. Only saying
"The desert can do strange things to a person."
So here we are and have, my take of the elusive Outland Sand Gnomes which shouldn't be. Or should they?
I'm still quite unsure of their outfits, but for now, the desert witch and creepy warrior is the way I will go with.
Some might believe you if you told about
the tribal Gnomes living deep within Grizzly Hills,
but under shifting sands of the Bone Wastes?
They would call you mad and call a healer.
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05 February 2023
Lunar Year of the Rabbit
Now, it is Febraury and I'm back to my dear hobby and making new
pictures. Like the previous years, February is fully SFW-month. No smut
until next month, max teasing pictures if at all.
The Lunar Year did change and we skipped from the Tiger to an Rabbit.
There are no humanoid race of lagomorphis in WoW. the closest thing we
can find are the Vermins (although in Hearthstone, they do have more
anthromorphic look, but we'll ignore them). Rather than remaking a
Vermin into a humanoid, I just used them as they are for a silly
picture. Even the mightiest warriors get distressed before a horde of
While the Saberons themself are a
invasive species in Barrens, there is a
even bigger threat that has beed rapidly
spreading all over the savanna regions!
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Spring is blooming(or least trying) and soon it is summer! Hello and here we are again you and me. Looking at the newest picture I have fo...
Thank you for the comments(most of them were in my blog). I'm quite happy to see how people still enjoy the vanilla style, but also th...
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