17 December 2023

Winter Veil 2023: Warmth of the Fire

Much like last year, I'm once again posting the first festive picture quite late to the season. I might fit one or two more before the end of the year. We'll see.
And like last year, a very special lady is giving you a gift for being such a well behaving person, especially when visiting the library. While you might not think of it as much, hot chocolate and gingerbread cookies by the roaring fire is quite nice. Keep it up! You're bound to win big one year!

December 17th - "Winter Veil 2023: Warmth of the Fire" [Human/Pinup/Tease]
Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
but the fire is so delightful.
And since we've no place to go,
let us have some hot choco and cookies.
==XL-Size Edit==


Anonymous said...

Amazing that she can have such a powerful chest yet you still manage to show off her awesome thighs. Winter viel with your big librarians is 10/10 to me!

Anonymous said...

I love when you do pics of the really really big girls, no one does em like you brah