28 December 2024

End of 2024

This years December turned to be extremely busy with very little time to render pictures. I aimed for four holiday themed pictures, but only managed to make two. Maybe next year.
So this one is the last picture of the year 2024. It is a rather cozy one with very little naughtyness per se. Just a lone night elf snuggling with her friends for a good night sleep, as the moon shines over Winterspring.

I normally take January off to hibernate, but I might cut it short to catch up with my overflowing box of ideas of wintery pictures.

So have a happy New Year and we'll see in 2025!

December 28th - "Cozy Sleeping" [Nelf/Tease]
While Furbolgs don't hibernate like their
ancestral cousins, they do enjoy a good
sleep within their cozy and warm dens.
All huddled up together for warmth.
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17 December 2024

Winter Veil 2024: Yearly Festive Recharge

Yikes! Just when I thought November was busy, December snuck on me and BAM! Busy at work, busy outside and each weekend is booked! So much for the idea for managing to make least four picture during December and possible community picture.
About the picture. We last saw this old woman back in 2021 in slightly similar picture but now she's more handsy and, showing more of her true colours. But hey, she least gave the orc a festive hat!

December 17th - "Winter Veil 2024: Yearly Festive Recharge" [Human/Nelf/Pov]
It is that time of the year, when the old crone
need to revigor her life essences with the
festive spirit - and the vitality of unwilling prey.
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08 December 2024

Winter Veil 2024: Questions and Demands

Well look at that! I'm actually releasing a festive picture at the first week of December(first full week)!
While I've dropped the Winter Veil logo years back, I'm trying to bring back the core idea to use lesser used characters during the month and possibly toss in a community picture if I have the time.

So here, have a picture of a curious lady trying to learn more about the customs of winter veil.
It isn't per sa very "wintery" picture, you'd think Wetlands would at least get some snow, but maybe all winds from the sea and all those dragons flying around keeps it warm enough.

December 8th - "Winter Veil 2024: Questions and Demands" [Mob/BBW/SFW]
Finding a book about Winter Veil within
a waterlogged chest, she couldn't help but
swim and ask one of the locals more about
this curious holiday and its colorful customs.
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30 November 2024

Autumn 2024 Commission #7: Arcane Eruptions at the Swamp

Don't you just hate when you have it all planned out and scheduled, only to learn the world has other plans for you and casts 'Curse of Flu: Suffocation by Mucus'! The next four days you cannot do other than relearn how to breath, drink lot of tea and water just to stay hydrated and not to succumb to the fever. Fun times! But! I didn't give up. I had already started to work on this last picture so I was half way there. While it has already technically been winter, it is still November while I'm typing this so I'm still on schedule!
This one is the last of 2024's fall commissions. Looking back, I've been more busy and late this fall than ever, if you compare to previous years how long it took for me to get all the requests done before I started to work on own pictures.

But enough of this rambling, time for some Mok'nathal action!

This is the seventh and the last of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by Beercus.

November 30th - "Arcane Eruptions at the Swamp" [Comm/Draenei/Orc]
2024 Autumn Commission #7
Far distant from civilization, the Swamp of Sorrows
is a stagnant marshland of sucking bogs and weeping trees.
Two lone wolves investigating resurgence of lay line eruptions,
only to become victims to the humid air, allure of each others
bodily odor and the chance to prove ones skills.
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17 November 2024

Autumn 2024 Commission #6: Priestess of Hethiss

Well that took longer than I wanted. Worst case writer's block and it has nothing to do with the fact I've the past weeks been playing Alan Wake 2 few hours every evening.
I was stuck on few key-words given to me with the commission. Still, I managed to create this pictue after battling through the confusion and had an inspiration how to make it work.

On other news, this is the second to last of my autumn commissions. December isn't far away and I would like to start work on wintery pictures before my yearly vecation.

This is the sixth of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by catcubus.

November 17th - "Priestess of Hethiss" [Comm/Troll/Pinup]
2024 Autumn Commission #6
The loa can grant wondrous boons or
inflict terrible punishments on trolls.
Loa gain in strength and power the more
worshipers, offerings, idols, and sacrifices they receive.
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01 November 2024

Autumn 2024 Commission #5: Ownership and Control

What a month October was! I haven't been that busy in a while and it really did push back my artistic works time after time. Really did kill motivation and mood again and again. Yet, I survived and finally managed to make next one of the 'autumn' commissions. I think I can make the rest before the year comes to an end.
I actually had finished this picture a day before, but while checking what kind of flavour text to make, I noticed that the scene is supposed to happen during night time. One quick render later and usage of backup psd I managed to remake the picture in a jiffy - but the time was already late so I postpone the publish onto the next day(tonight).

This is the fifth of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by SebHutchins.

November 1st - "Ownership and Control" [Goblin/Worgen/Size/Comm]
2024 Autumn Commission #5
A joke can sometimes go too far and
be taken seriously. What might have been
a friendly banter to him, is verbal contract
for her and now she utilizes her right of usage.
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15 October 2024

Autumn 2024 Commission #4: Blade of the Night

Fourth autumn commission picture coming thru!
This is rather interesting picture in my opinion, as I did lot of lore digging about the twin moons of Azeroth and the Kaldorei society's view about rogues within their ranks. There aren't that many named 'non-trainer' Nelf characters that are rogues, only a handfull. Crazy, right!
I do remember seen two moons up in the skybox back in Vanilla, but then the other suddenly vanished until MoP. It was gone due to bug, but the devs tell that the blue child tends to vanish into own adventures, yet does always come back to be with the pale lady.

This is the fourth of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by Lunash

October 15th - "Blade of the Night" [Nelf/SFW/Comm]
2024 Autumn Commission #4
Rogues fend for themselves, looking for
fights in which they dictate the terms.
They’re the shadows in the night that remain
unseen until the right moment comes to strike
then they dispatch an opponent with quick blade work.
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03 October 2024

Autumn 2024 Commission #3: Compensation for Adept Handling

Yikes! It is alreacy October and I only now manage to post the third picture of autumn commissions out. Been really busy with my actualy day job and this week the electricity has been painfully expensive, so no using computer to render pictures!
I took some liberties with this pictures request, or, well, I forgot that it stated it should be bright daylight - not dim night with street lights. Oh well, still looks good, no? She might have a bit too posh dress for someone at her profession, or maybe she's one of the more expensive ones and high ranked - still a bag full of gold coins is bag full of gold coins.

This is the third of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by DizzyingDizzy11

October 3rd - "Compensation for Adept Handling" [Human/Bukkake/Group/Comm]
2024 Autumn Commission #3
Boralus, a busy harbor city which hosts
number of merchants and travelers from
all over Azeroth visiting the island.
The bustling port attracts all kind of services
for people to spend their hard earned coins.
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18 September 2024

Autumn 2024 Commission #1: Dressing Up

And we're off! The Autumn Commission train has set off and stops once in a while to bring out a new picture!
First stop and we get to see one of the librarians in her usual teasing manner. So close, but still enough to be SFW - probably.
I'm not good at making lingeries, so I think these from Sims 4 should work just fine.

This is the first of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by Zylo.

September 18th - "Dressing Up" [Human/BBW/Tease]
2024 Autumn Commission #1
Despite the rumors, Kia, in fact does
wear undergarments. Unlike her colleague,
she doesn't possess magical properties
hence why she wears support - most of the time.
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26 August 2024

Two and a Halfsome 2024Edit

There we go. Took me a while to get to this picture, but now I've fulfilled my promise I made over at Twitter and remade this TEN years old picture. Sure the Selanaar picture was older, but ten years is still a lot. That was 2014!
I had quite a pickle with this picture, as I at first couldn't figure out how to modernize it, but I think I managed to hit the spot. While most are close to the original picture, I did change the Gnome's skin tone to give a nice contrast between the two trolls. I still don't know where these ebony skinned Gnomes(and the elves) suddenly appeared in lore-wise, but I don't mind it.
I have few other old old pictures in mind that I'd like to remake but we'll see how much time I have after all the commissions.

August 26th - "Two and a Halfsome 2024Edit" [Gnome/Troll/Threesome]
Remake of 2014 picture of same name.
"A pirate I was meant to be! Trim the sails and roam the sea!"

Sang the scurvy sea dogs before reaching Ratchet,
where the sea salt hardened swashbuckler had time
to relax and unwind - by getting stuck between two Trolls.
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23 August 2024

Autumn 2024 Commissions are open!

Would you look at that, it's commission time!

Summer still lingers, yet September is right
behind the corner with cool winds of autumn(hopefully).
So let's celebrate another survived summer
by submitting your commission requests to me!


The council will look through all applications and judge them.

12 August 2024

Naughtiness in the Bakery

This is a community survey picture, but I forgot to post the link to the forum and blog, so all the votes were gathere only through Twitter. So, my apologies if you didn't get to vote. Maybe the next time I'll remember to post the links everywhere. I was in a bit of a hurry, as I only recently did remember that I hadn't done a single community survey picture for the year and we're slowly approaching the third part of prolonging summer.
The choices this year were once more picked randomly using the most sophisticated method, random number generator! And it resulted quite a varied mix bag of characters to choose from. And from all the ten options, Sarina did win! While the position is yet again the same as from few previous survey pictures, I didn't mind due to her quite exquisite forms.
And before I forget, yes I know this one was supposed to have multiple angles, I did remember that too late and used my veto. The current setting/scenery doesn't really work in other camera angles, sorry.

August 12th - "Naughtiness in the Bakery" [Belf/Human/BBW]
2024 Survey Result
Business is booming and the bakery's
bread and pastries are selling like hotcakes!
Sarina is a busy bee, yet she still has time to
mingle with her friends to unwind.
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04 August 2024

Beauty in the Mirror 2024Edit

Few weeks back, I posted four different pictures into Twitter/X. Old pictures from 2014 and put up a silly poll to see which one would get the most votes to be remade with newer models and technology. This gave me a spark that has been lain dormant for a long time. I have a vast library of old pictures which demands to be remade! At least some of them, not every single one of them. If I did that, I would be in a endless cycle for the next ten years or more.
Before I attack the polls choice, I chose to remake one which I had picked few years back. Unlike the one in Twitter, this is from 2009! 15 years old picture! Can you believe I've been doing this nearly as long as WoW has been running?!?
The picture I chose to remake is a good comparison of the old old style of Selanaar, back when I was still trying to find her forms and of course stuggled with it due to making all from scratch and hand drawing most of it ontop modelviewer screenshots. She might have gained some weight in 15 years, but my original idea back in the day was that she always was chubby and hefty - maybe not this big, but still!

Enough rambling, the link to the original picture is below the XL-link.

August 4th - "Beauty in the Mirror 2024Edit" [Draenei/Pinup/BBW]
Remake of 2009 picture of same name.
Due to unknown reason, her body absorbs arcane
directly from the air and is stores inside her flesh.
She might be a hefty ticking manabomb or her ancient
metabolis turns it into nutrients and causes her growth.
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24 July 2024

Traveling Windchaser

So, after the last commission I wanted to work on own picture(s). I decided to work on my centaur character and update her model. I was thinking it wouldn't be that big of a hassle, just redo the model and use old props. Done done. But no. Not in a long shot. I kept having new ideas and testing different styles and before I knew five days had passed. In the end, I'm happy how she ended up as. Much like with my harpy last year, I did do a full remaster from scratch. I gave her more meat over the bones(blame her ogrette friend from making too delicious food) and made her from being a nomad to be part of one of the tribes. The colour does hint which one she is part of: it is Gelkis.
I also had a small rant about the number of fingers centaurs have, new and old. The new ones have ten digits, while the old ones have eight. But in official art the number switches from six to ten, depending on the art form and artist! I went with what the old centaurs have.

So here is a scenec view of Ohn'ahran Plains and the nameless Centaur viewing over the lands.

July 24th - "Traveling Windchaser" [Centaur/Pinup/SFW]
After learning about the Dragon Isles and
about the centaurs with unknown ancestral
connection to her kin, she found means to
stowaway to Ohn'ahran Plains and see herself.
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14 July 2024

2024 Spring Commission #9: Disciple of the Panther

And here it is. The last of the commissions. I thank eveyrone who submitted their request(s) and apologize if I didn't make yours into reality - but that is the cold fact of free commissions. I did fall behind schedule due to sudden heatwave and getting lost playing DS3 randomizer, but I think I managed to make a good haul of nine commissions. Another reason why I only made nine is because I want to make few own pictures before it is already time for Autumn Commissions. It is only few months away!
So, once again thank you to all the submissions(it was quite dwarf heavy this year) and please enjoy this final picture of an follower of a loa.

This is the ninth and last one of the Spring Commission and it was requested by catcubus.

July 14th - "Disciple of the Panther" [Troll/Pinup/Comm]
2024 Spring Commission #9
Loa is the name given by trolls to the spirits and gods
they worship.Most are shapeless, whereas others have
animal or creature forms. Bethekk, the Panther,
is one of them and has a small following outside of
Gurubashi and Zandalari tribes.
Zae'da, is one of the faithful ones.
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07 July 2024

2024 Spring Commission #8: Abduction and Convertation

At times, I think I put too much effort into these commissions, especially when I don't demand any kind of payment for them. Yet, I do enjoy the unnecessary work I made for myself when I want to go the extra lenght for a single picture. For this picture, I needed to use ogres and I wanted to make the tribe leader into what they at times are, Ogre Lords, with their distinct looks. The lore is bit loose with them, but lickuly, the tribe over at Twilight Highlands which didn't join the Hammers has Lords as their top guys. Not that the one featured in the picture is either of them, but this gave me a chance to try to figure out how to make one into some sort of usable state. And I did.

This is the eight of the Spring Commission and it was requested by Athenia duLys.

July 7th - "Abduction and Convertation" [Dwarf/Ogre/Size/Comm]
2024 Spring Commission #8
The duty of an emissary of Light can at times
be very risky, yet rewarding when the commitment
is fruitful. For this herald, captured by the Glopguts
on her way to Thundermar, she will have to work hard
to convert the tribe to the Light — when the chief
allows her to utter the oath she holds dear.
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25 June 2024

2024 Spring Commission #7: Midsummer Swim

I had it all planned. I had scheduled this to work. My goal was to make it ready either before or after Midsummer Day. Well, technically it IS after the day. So... I guess I'm on time?
Okay, so the biggest reason wasn't lack of motivation or me finally starting to read my library of vast collection of unread books. No, the biggest slow down was me trying on something what I hadn't done before in great extend. Fluid physics. Without going into details, my computer is quite old and my CPU and GPU are enough for gaming, but for tasking calculations to see how water would move - it takes a looooong time. Sure, in hindsight I could've used some cheating tricks to make it look even close to what it looks now - but I had to do it! It had to look somewhat authentic compared to the reference photo I had. Oh and I was given free hand to choose one of my toons and I thought perhaps this chocolate paladin could use a refreshing dip in a lake.

This is the seventh of the Spring Commission and it was requested by Lady Butterfly

June 25th - "Midsummer Swim" [Human/Pinup/Comm]
2024 Spring Commission #7
There are only few things more refreshing during
a warm summer than taking a dip in the lake.
Maybe skinny dipping late in the night, when the
sun doesn't fully go down and no one is to see it.
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10 June 2024

2024 Spring Commission #6: Healing Power of Sauna

Well that took longer than I would've wanted. First I got stuck playing Dark Souls 3 full randomized madness, then a heatweave hit and my nordic ass was melting from sudden change of temperature in just a week. And finally when I thought all was better, I had health issues and had to postpone the picture even more. Figures. This commission train can't even be called "Spring" as it is nearly midsummer!
Anyway, have more dwarves!

This is the sixth of the Spring Commission and it was requested by Saintuther.

June 10th - "Healing Power of Sauna" [Comm/Dwarf/Yuri]
2024 Spring Commission #6
The sauna. A place for relaxion and spiritual healing.
People are born within one and sent to the afterlife
with the warmth of the steam. While there are many
misconceptions about this room of roaring fire and
steaming rocks, it isn't a place to get all lewd within.
Yet, sometimes, it is unavoidable and part of the R'n'R.
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24 May 2024

2024 Spring Commission #5: The Might of Paw

And we are back rolling with commissions! I got stuck playing Dark Souls 3 with full randomizer and I just wanted to bash my head against the wall for days before I realized that I have pictures to be done! So here I am with a new commission picture.
This one was quite fun to make. Not because of the idea of the picture or the setting, but that I could use someone elses model with properly made rigging and shaders. Less work for me! Yay! Seeing the cold truth my rigs are trash. Ouch!

This is the fifth of the Spring Commission and it was requested by PeeksPokes.

May 24th - "The Might of Paw" [Vulpera/Femdom/Comm]
2024 Spring Commission #5
When the world if full of drastically different
sized people, it is more about the might of
will to show dominance over one another.
Even the smallest one can defeat a larger one.
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13 May 2024

Handling Bureaucracy

Now onto the number- Wait a minute?!? This isn't a commission at all! That is correct. I took a small break from the commissions to make this my adabtation of Swamp Hoyden / Hoyden Of The Hills cover image I saw and I thought who would the best fitting for such teasing picture. Well none other than Kia! Running a library is hard work and there is all kind of paperwork that needs to be up to date!

May 13th - "Handling Bureaucracy" [Human/BBW/Tease]
Running a library isn't all keeping the books
in order, dusted and look pretty. No, there is far
more happening hidden from public eyes,
lot of paper work and restoration of old tomes.
Among all the Librarians, Kia is quite skilled to
deal with the bureaucracy. Another year of licences
secured and permits to copy old lexicons.
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05 May 2024

2024 Spring Commission #4: Violent Concoction

May is here and we are at number FOUR on this year's Spring Commissions!
Let's see what we have this time. Hmm, it isn't a dwarf, but some sort of mad scientist.
This was a fun one to make. Try to figure out how to make it look like the blast of the mixture would've blown her hear back, the straps off her eyes and her robe open. Not to forget blown soot all over her skin!

This is the fourth of the Spring Commission and it was requested by FreddiMarrow.

May 5th - "Violent Concoction" [Undead/Pinup/Comm]
2024 Spring Commission #4
Alchemists use herbs to create strange,
magical brews that heal, empower, and produce a
variety of positive effects. Some even use their
skills to brew up horrid creatures and poisons,
and there is always the risk the mixture just
doesn't want to work as hoped
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29 April 2024

2024 Spring Commission #3: Uldaman Treasure Hunters

April is soon ending and we're entering May in an eyeblink. Time to reveal the third picture of this blooming springs commission. To your surprise, it is another one with a Dwarf in it! Two in row, how rare!

This is the third of the Spring Commission and it was requested by Dovah.

April 29th - "Uldaman Treasure Hunters" [Dwarf/Worgen/Comm]
2024 Spring Commission #3
With the new discoveries within Uldaman,
the Explorer's League has sent teams to
continue the excavation of this ancient Titan ruin.
Among one of the teams, a rookie is working under
the overseer's personal supervision. To her surprise,
he has proven to be quite skillful tunnel uncoverer.
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23 April 2024

2024 Spring Commission #2: Festivity of Fertility

Time for the second entry of this springs commissions. Though it has been an interesting one over here, just a week ago it was quite warm, then BAM! Snow. Snow so much it looked like it was January.
But let us forget about the climat crisis etc and oggle at some dwarven booties!

This is the second of the Spring Commission and it was requested by King_tiddy.

April 23th - "Festivity of Fertility" [Dwarf/Tease/Comm]
2024 Spring Commission #2
During spring when nature bursts into bloom,
the dwarves of the free spirited ones gather
to celebrate fertility festival among like minded.
Few of the clan mambers have taken a newcomer
for closer inspection and warmly welcome her.
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18 April 2024

Spring Commission 2024 #1

Spring commissions starts now!
I had bit of motivation loss for the past few weeks, but now I've fully charged, well, enough charged up to manage to work on pictures. At first we have a rather interesting a silly one. It isn't direcrlt naughty one, but it is very teasing one with lot more silly ontop of it. You can also see I don't have an degree on making magazine covers.

This is the first of the Spring Commission and it was requested by Aeleon Dawngrawsp.

April 18th - "Physique World Magazine" [Comm/Male Pinup]
2024 Spring Commission #1
This issue we have something special
for our readers! The usual sight of sweaty
muscles, but also a interview with a elf
who doesn't shun away the idea of combining
two physical activites into one!

27 March 2024

Spring 2024 Commissions are open!

April is almost here, you know what that means!

It's Spring commission time!
Slots are open and the council is ready to judge your requests!

Secret themes for higher chance are: magic and size

25 March 2024

Wormrider of the Desert

This has picture has nothing to do with the movie I saw few weeks back! It is just a funny coincidence. Honestly!

If you look through the questline involving the Bone worms in Bone Wastes, all the mobs, the quest items, the final "boss" and quest rewards are all references to Dune. How could I avoid using the silly idea of one riding a big one? But, unlike in the book/movie, these sand people aren't blue eyed fanatics, they are just dry skinned phantoms, who look more like some sort of blood cultist. And we all know sand gnomes aren't real, it is the desert just playing tricks on us.

March 25th - "Wormrider of the Desert" [Gnome/SFW]
Bone worms are a carvivorous creatures that
manage to survive and thrive at Bone Wastes
of Terokkar Forest. They are extremely hostile
and react to thumps made on the sand above them.
Reports of gnomes riding few of the larger one
has been circling, but those are cries of whackos.
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18 March 2024

Friendship With The Locals

And here we are, enough of teasing and let the old nanny finally get some!
I tried out something I've only done once before with the image to seamlessly fit multiple pictures in one. I hope it does look good. Had to use bigger image to fit it all in, but I'm happy with the result.
Fun fact, as WoW nor Sims4 have any kind of handbags, I had to make one myself for this picture. I did some research to see what kind of bags fit traditional kimono and a cute little bag it is.

March 18th - "Friendship With The Locals" [Human/Pandaren/Group]
New life in new land can be tough,
yet Cherina has befriended with the locals
and made few close ones who will answer
to the call to help with her aching old body.
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10 March 2024

Women's Day 2024

International Women's Day was back last friday and I've been a busy bee in life, but atleast it is still the same week!
Much like previous years, the theme is slightly twisted that it is a national holiday over at Panadria. But unlike the previous years, the star isn't an Pandaren. Shocking I know! While my initial wasn't to use her, the idea slink'd up into my mind.

While pondering what kind of pampering someone old as her would enjoy (which wouldn't be anything sexual), I had few ideas to go with. In the end, I decided to go something that would be a small callback to the previous pictures 'flavour text' about her arching bones and other old age ailments, a massage would do wonders to her!
Then came the old annoying hands of WoW. The male models have such massive hands! I simply couldn't find away to fit both of his hands on her back! Each finger is big as one of her palms. But in the end, I found a way and I'm happy with it.

Will we see old Cherina once more next time or will someone else take the spotlight for a moment? The dial of destiny will decide about it later.

March 10th - "Pandarian Women's Day #6" [Human/Pandaren/Tease]
While the life in Pandaria is to her liking,
learning about the national holiday of Women's Day
was quite a pleasant surprise for the old lady.
To be pampered and made sure that her past
achievements has had effect in the world sure
does bring a smile on the old weary lips.
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03 March 2024

Traditional Pandaren Medicine

She has previously only featured in two picture(where on of them was a commission) and in the photobooth collage of my human characters. I decided to update her model, but happened to fully revamp her looks and style - only keeping her old name.
I think I did flesh her more out, even though she still haven't gotten proper clothing, but I'll get there in time.
What better place to move during your retirement than Pandaria, where life is calm and everything is just chill. Plus, those mystic traditional medicines supposingly works wonders on old aching bones.
Will she be in the next weeks Pandarian's Women's Day special? I have no clue! Selsel usually is in those pictures.

March 3rd - "Traditional Pandaren Medicine" [Human/Tease]
Old age doesn't come alone and
aching bones is one of them. As Cherina
grew weary of the cold weathers, she decided
to moved far to the south to enjoy constant
warmth, calming nature and the traditional
medicines of Pandaria. Life is good.
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25 February 2024

Body Over Mind

Pump those muscles! Keep going! Get the sweat running and heat all steamy!
I'm quite sure someone has made picture(s) with Drogbar before me, but I'm also sure there isn't that many of them. I don't remember where I did get the idea from to make a working model of these "cavetrolls" with working parts. And yes, I do mean everything is working down there. The actual model will need slight more tweeking here and there, but over all it is good enough.

February 25th - "Body Over Mind" [Mob/Tauren/SFW]
Drogbar are not violent by nature,
despite their size. They are masters when
it comes to carve stones and gems.
Some of them appear to place great value
in personal strength and never turn down
chance to workout with like-minded people.
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17 February 2024

Twilight Date Night

I know Valentine's Day was back on wednesday, but you expect me to post my romantic picture while spending lovely time with my light of my life?!? Maybe, but not this year!
I had couple of ideas for this picture. I wanted it to be a view of a couple having a romantic dinner or something similar. Then was the big problem, who would be in the picture! I had in mind to use NPC's, but I couldn't think of an ingame couple - when it hit me. I have the perfect seducer, just need to find a fitting date. And, well, her kind had lot to do with his organization.

February 17th - "Twilight Date Night" [Gnome/SFW]
Even back when Twilight Hammer was at its
most powerful state, very few dared to accept
the tempress invitation during the twilight of
blood moon - Valentine's night.
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10 February 2024

Lunar year of the Dragon

Here we are! It is february in the year 2024 and my one month long hibernation is over!
Time to get back to business!​

And since it is february and lunar new year, it is time to reveal the next mighty creature of the year! Maybe this time, I'll actually use the toon in more than just one picture.
Now I could've continued the story with the she-Saberon, I decided that since there are so many variations of this years creature, I'll "redo" an old wallpaper I made back when even 4chan was new. I decided to make the oracle resemble slightly more the old wyrmkins, yet I left the ears and horns(a dragon has to have horns!) as I think they are cool. And, the old ones had small breasts under their tops!
Dragonspawns are non-dragon beings transformed into dragons eons ago, so old bodily forms have stayed, much like with Nagas and... other magically transformed mortal races.
My biggest problem was really to decide which flight to use. I was first thinking going red, but did change it to green, as, while I prefer blue myself, I think the green ones are quite suitable for my.... work. So yes, she does have functioning parts.

February 10th - "Lunar Year of the Dragon" [Mob/SFW]
It is the Lunar year of the Dragon.
With their ancient home open once more,
many of the mighty reptiles traveled back to their
remote land, but some stayed back and continue
their eternal duty as the flights of Azeroth.
==XL-Size Edit==

07 January 2024

Summary of 2023

Time to have a look at the best of the best of the best of 2023!
2023 was quite a year. Well, it wasn't that different. I made few new characters and
updated some of the old ones. The same as 2022.
Yet, I think I was more productive than the year before!
Time to check on which one was the most liked over that Twitter(X).


As a bonus, here's a unnecessary link for much bigger versio of the picture.