27 November 2021

Traveling Noodle Vendor

I've been brainstorming for festive picture ideas, as December is right behind the corner, hence the irregular posts.

I did post a small question a week ago in Twitter, if there was any interest on a male Pandaren character and the answers were majorly positive. With that, I went to work and play around Pandaren models to see what I could conjure up. Male Pandaren have quite a different style model than the females, yet nothing that drastic like with Taurens(or with every other race and the hand size differences! I'm still have my eyes on you, male Nelfs and Draeneis).
With some texture magic and model sculpting, I think I managed to make a character, that could food many, yet have enough minor details and points to give out an aura of masculinity - and I'm not talking about the 'Adam's apple' I have him, as you can't really see it from this angle.
This is my first new character in a long time, that I've named: Chunho Irontummy, the traveling noodle vendor.

November 27th - Traveling Noodle Vendor [Pandaren/SFW]
Ever since the protective mists surrounding
Pandaria dissipated, Chunho Irontummy,
had wanted to travel far and wide.
To see the world and share the joy of his
family noodle recipe(to finance his tour).
==XL-Size Edit==

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