Merry Winter Veil and Yule!
What? It's too early? It's only the fourth day of the month? Oh poop, I'm too early!
No matter, because this year, I am going to post least four or five pictures all through December!
You might tell that I'm crazy and I can't possibly manage this when looking back at my history.
Well you are wrong, I have already made one new picture! It has been waiting for two days already and
I'm finally going to publish it out as first of the series.

So please enjoy my newest picture.
  • 4th December "Winter Veil Hard Candy Special #1" [Pandaren/Nude/Pinup/Solo]

    Merry Winter Veil, Christmas, Yule 2014!
    First picture of 2014 Yule specials!

ps. I know it isn't up par with my previous picture, but what did you expect with such short time.