14 March 2010

Third three kolme!

Tiiiiime for a small update once more!!!!

    Third member?[Pinup/Magic]
    And now for something completely different.

    Well here we are again, I thank you all for the ideas/hints that you gave me.
    But sadly, they weren't really something that I was expecting(or did). Futa is out of the question, I should have told that
    right away in the beginning. And the nipple piercing(s)? It's still on the table, but I have mostly only cons against it in character-lore wise etc.
    Anyways, I did change her skin color to be more pale, as I actually thought I had made her more darker then Belvala, but they are actually the same tone.
    The freckles can't really be seen in this picture, but they will be added from now on... and the chubbyness? She's a dwarf, she has wide hips already, but I'll see what I can do later.


WildCardCorsair said...

Haha, Can anyone say Total Recall?

Anonymous said...

Give me milk!! *Jumps at her and suckles*