30 August 2021

Last Month of Summer 2021 #5

And there we go, the final picture of this years(2021) August theme month, Taurens. It's a rather different one, yet not highly unexpected from me. What race will be the focuse next year? Not a clue! I decide this always on a whim a week before August starts.

With this off the way, next we'll see what kind of pictures I've been asked to make as commissions. There is still time, as the council hasn't yet gathered to decide which ones are worthy.

August 30th - "Backstage RnR" [Tauren/Straight/Yaoi]
Last Month of Summer 2021 #5
As the concert finally ends, the festival is over
for the year. The crowd leaves for the night,
with music still ringing in their ears. The band
does the same, returning to their backstage room
to unwind and celebrate their tours final gig ending.
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22 August 2021

Last Month of Summer 2021 #4

It is still August and here's more Taurens, having a blast at a festival! This has nothing to do with the fact we were at a music festival week a go - it hardly rained back then. The picture is full UHD size so expect extra wide. I wanted everything to be seen, as I don't do multiple angles - even if I really should.
What kind of music are they playing? Maybe a fusion of country and prog-rock? It is quite a mix of intruments they are playing.

August 22th - "End of the Season Festival" [Tauren/SFW]
Last Month of Summer 2021 #4
August can get quite chilly, as summer slowly
turns into autumn. Yet that doesn't stop the
Taurens to have a jolly blowout with music and
performances. It might be raining, yet the band
keeps the spirit high and festive going.
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18 August 2021

Last Month of Summer 2021 #3

My summer vacation is soon coming to an end and that means I'm back to work at the mill. Yet before that, I have this picture(and possible another one later this week) to be published for your eyes. It might be quite bright, but that's white fur and soft cloth for you. The dress isn't what a Tauren would normally wear, but it was a gift and she felt cute wearing it.

August 18th - "Stroll Under the Sun" [Tauren/Pinup/SFW]
Last Month of Summer 2021 #3
Nahimana is enjoying a stroll under the
warm sun in her new bright dress, that a
acquaintance gave to her as an goodwill gift.
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12 August 2021

Last Month of Summer 2021 #2

I have a busy weekend ahead of me, so I made the second picture of the theme-month sooner for you all the ogle at.
This is one of those picture that isn't everyones cup of tea, but I'm pretty sure majority of you have seen more than enough of equine peniles on various races and genders.

Kagawah, who I by mistake respecced into a druid from being a shaman, have returned to one of his oldest obligations back in Thunder Bluff, where few of the Elders from different tribes have gathered to discuss bowine politics.

August 12th - "Private Dancer" [Tauren/Gay/Pinup]
Last Month of Summer 2021 #2
Even after he changed his path of coversing with
the elemenents, to being one with the nature
and nurture it - he doesn't forget his commitment
to entertain the Elders during their gatherings.
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08 August 2021

Last Month of Summer 2021 #1

It's August again! It's time to have a race themed month again! Last month of the Summer 2021!
This year, I'll be focusing on the Tauren! I'll try to mix it up and focus on my own OC's, yet we'll start with a famous NPC. I know he has a 'lady friend' and maybe she's in the room next door or maybe they did split during WoD.
And yes, he has grown a small beard over the years and wearing his raid gear.
August 8th - "Pampering the Hero" [Tauren/Pandaren]
Last Month of Summer 2021 #1
Gamon, Hero of Orgrimmar, is always welcome
to visit any establishment in Pandaria and there
is one that he hadn't yet visited on his travels.
Madam invited the hero over for some luxurious
pampering with big jugs of beer and sweets.
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01 August 2021

2021 Survey Result #2

Time for the second survey picture. Which one did get more results? It was quite 50/50, so let us leave it to that. The tag was "one or more pinup" and I might have gone slight wild with this - as there is six of them. Yet I managed to squeeze them all into the same picture with enough screentime and am quite pleased with this.

August 1st - "Wooing New Patreons" [Pandaren/Tease]
2021 Survey Result #2
The House of Red Light is trying to lure in new
paying patreons to their fine establishment,
with not so subtle advertising campaign in Dalaran.
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Coming up next, "End of the Summer" theme month thingy and after that it's time for Autumn commissions.