23 July 2018

Summer Vacation.

The heat dome is still above us third week in a row...
But I still manage to make a picture! You might count it as a filler or a proper picture, it is all up to you.

July 23th - "Summer Wind" [Night Elf/Murloc/SFW]
The cool wind feels very soothing on
the Night Elfs skin, while the Murloc coos
in enjoyment from the cool refreshing beverage.
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16 July 2018

Free Commission 2018 #11

With the broadband connection back up, I'm free to upload my next picture and the last of the long line of commissioned pictures. Huzzah!

Can't think of what new I tried on this picture, like I've done on the previous ones. There is a small thing I tried and it was switching from JPG format to PNG - though I might have done something wrong and forgot to work on the compression. For example, the previous pictures XL was only 770kb and this ones is whopping 16Mb. It's not that big for todays standards, but still! I'll figure it out later, now onto thy final!

July 16th - "Riding Wildly the Hugeness" [Draenei/Gnome/Straight]
2018 Free Commission #11
After when the Hall of the Guardian was
reopened for mages, Selanaar has been
busy studying it's vast library to satisfy her
hunger for history and knowledge. When her
nose isn't tightly between pages, she tends

to play Hearthstone with the other mages and
time to time end up using high stakes.
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07 July 2018

Free Commission 2018 #10

At number ten we have the next commission I've chosen to do. Surprise.

Think I broke some laws of physics and anatomy with this one, but meh. It turned out just fine.
Don't think I have much to tell about this picture but couple of tiny things. The humans model is actually a belfs. The requested wanted him to be a twink with dark hair and without doing too big of hassle of it(like I ended up with the Draeneis breasts), I just swapped the skin texture and planted a humans head on the belfs body. Good enough for a party goer that according to the UrbanDictionary are supposed to be the male equivalent of a blond bimbo - who is also gay. Clearly this one isn't 100%.

Right, enough rambling, time for the picture.

July 7th - "Partyboy and the Coffelady" [Draenei/Human/Straight]
2018 Free Commission #10
Dalaran isn't the first place to find any place
to party all night long, but it is a good place
to for a clam afterparty and/or to recover
from last night. How a partygoer managed to
end up with the coffe lady is a mystery or
perhaps she cooked up a halluva recovery potion.

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