What? I mean Valentines Day in Finnish, as we celebrate it to remember as well our friends, not only love-one.
I think I did tell about this already a year back or so.
Anyways. While I would have used the new Sel&Urdi picture for this cause.... I was slacking and didn't finish it - yet.
So um... I actually rushed with this picture to give you people least something.
Also this is my very first picture with a Pandaren.
Pictue time!
14th February. "Three Unlikely Friends" [Dwarf/Orc/Pandaren/Nude]
To calm down a fight might just take the smallest thing.
To calm down a fight between a Blackrock Orc and Dark Iron Dwarf - long time rivals is no easy task.
But a single Pandaren and five kegs worth of mead
soothed the war maidens - least for the night.
Next time, more Urdina and Selanaar - promise!