25 May 2008


Due to my host is crappy and messing around, I'm posting my newest work here with all needed thumbs etc so I can post it on darknest *nods*


The actual picture:

10 May 2008

New update!

Nothing much again... seems I start my sentences with "nothing much" rather much hehe.

Anyways, here's a picture I made for a friend of mine. But I made it all crappy for it's exlusively only for my friend until diffrently told *nods firmly*

So no beggings or crying...

And here is something I did doodle in the morning.
It ain't much, but it's something and proves I still have some skills of drawing left in my hands.


Also, it's Selanaar^^

08 May 2008

Um... lol?

I remember long time ago telling what did read about me in Encyclopedia Dramatica - Darkest page.
Well here's a reminder of it:

Cubehead: an 16 year old girl doing erotic screenshots of her cyber-character on earthern ring. She always whines about people doesn't comment her pictures enough. Has also decided her "art-work" isn't worth posting to see unless she gets TEN comments per new post. Her screams for attention unfortunately work.

Now, I did get the news that someone has "found out" that I ain't a girl actualy...
Sound rather odd to me since I've never lied I was the opposite gender.

Here's the new text of me:

Cubehead: an 16 year old girl doing erotic screenshots of her cyber-character on earthern ring. She always whines about people doesn't comment her pictures enough. Has also decided her "art-work" isn't worth posting to see unless she gets TEN comments per new post. Her screams for attention unfortunately work. Darknest leak, Cubehead is actually a Dude who enjoys creating Incest pictures of his main character Selanaar, who surprisingly enough is a female. His blog can be found at http://bakaras.blogspot.com/

Hm... incest pictures? Have I done those? I can't think of any myself... oh well *shrugs*
And again, never have told anyone that I'm a female and why would I? Everyone knows I'm a male, duh!
And besides, I know I play with a female character, name who doesn't. In every MMORPG there are always some men who plays with a female character/toon/avatar. But when it comes to good graphics and boobs, even more plays them, something like 75% of all male players. Simply facts.

Well I'm out for this time.