16 February 2025

Price Chart of Kisses

Valentines came and vent, but the aftermath is still to be cleaned.
Here's a treat for you. She made her debute back in end of 2023 and now she's back after a full year and couple of months.
I had few picture ideas for Valentine's weekend, many many to choose from that I might try to remember to use in the upcoming years. I first thought to set the scene outside of Stormwind, but then I figured out that I've been quite Alliance heavy the past months, so it was time for a change. You can barely tell it is Durotar, yet the orange dirt is there!
Her pricing is quite expensive, but she's a goblin, she doesn't fiddle with copper or silver. She only offers the finest and premium! And, inflation and all that.

February 16th - "Price Chart of Kisses" [Goblin/Pinup]
There's a new tent at the Gala of Gifts,
just outside of Orgrimmar. Might be quite pricey
but for someone feeling lonely during the festive
of love and lovers, it is worth every coin.
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09 February 2025

Refined and Sophisticated

I wanted to do another picture and most likely will do even more pictures of this drowsy looking pint sized lamia.
But first, she needs to be house trained, educated and tought to become an upstading member of the society. Her hair has been washed, combed through and she has even been given a piece of clothing to wear. The pandaren elder might have a golden heart to take her under his care, but clearly has a obvious taste for his pupils.

I did few little tweeks on her model, but they are hidden in this picture to be seen without looking very hard, but for this picture they aren't important.

February 9th - "Refined and Sophisticated" [SFW/BBW]
After her discovery, a local elder took her
as an project to prove even the wildest one
can be through education produce an upstanding
member of society. Refine and sophisticated,
the dull look on her face will be a harder task.
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02 February 2025

Lunar year of the Snake

It is February and 2025! time to get back to work with my wild wild pictures and big women in them!

Much like the previous years, February is full SFW time(can be teasing and naughty, but not explicit) and the very first picture is of the new Lunar Year, which is this time Snake and the element is wood. While I've never really taken in the element part, I did, well not really, kind of, if we stretch the meaning as there are trees and it is happening in jungle, Krasarang Wilds.
So, a snake. The obvious oneswould be Sethraks and Nagas, but I was thinking hard about this and asking some opinions over at twitter before coming into some kind of conclusion I was happy with.
While there are no lore to back this creature, we can just say it is either a experiment gone bad, mad alchemist's creation, transporter mishap or a forgotten Titan creation. I haven't yet decided, most likely never will.

February 2nd - "Lunar Year of the Snake" [SFW/BBW]
Reports of an unusual creature spotted in
Krasarang Wilds has brought explorers back to
the thick dangerous jungle. With the help from
a Hozen tracker, a photo of this elusive, presumably
nocturnal being was managed to be taken.
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