28 December 2024

End of 2024

This years December turned to be extremely busy with very little time to render pictures. I aimed for four holiday themed pictures, but only managed to make two. Maybe next year.
So this one is the last picture of the year 2024. It is a rather cozy one with very little naughtyness per se. Just a lone night elf snuggling with her friends for a good night sleep, as the moon shines over Winterspring.

I normally take January off to hibernate, but I might cut it short to catch up with my overflowing box of ideas of wintery pictures.

So have a happy New Year and we'll see in 2025!

December 28th - "Cozy Sleeping" [Nelf/Tease]
While Furbolgs don't hibernate like their
ancestral cousins, they do enjoy a good
sleep within their cozy and warm dens.
All huddled up together for warmth.
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17 December 2024

Winter Veil 2024: Yearly Festive Recharge

Yikes! Just when I thought November was busy, December snuck on me and BAM! Busy at work, busy outside and each weekend is booked! So much for the idea for managing to make least four picture during December and possible community picture.
About the picture. We last saw this old woman back in 2021 in slightly similar picture but now she's more handsy and, showing more of her true colours. But hey, she least gave the orc a festive hat!

December 17th - "Winter Veil 2024: Yearly Festive Recharge" [Human/Nelf/Pov]
It is that time of the year, when the old crone
need to revigor her life essences with the
festive spirit - and the vitality of unwilling prey.
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08 December 2024

Winter Veil 2024: Questions and Demands

Well look at that! I'm actually releasing a festive picture at the first week of December(first full week)!
While I've dropped the Winter Veil logo years back, I'm trying to bring back the core idea to use lesser used characters during the month and possibly toss in a community picture if I have the time.

So here, have a picture of a curious lady trying to learn more about the customs of winter veil.
It isn't per sa very "wintery" picture, you'd think Wetlands would at least get some snow, but maybe all winds from the sea and all those dragons flying around keeps it warm enough.

December 8th - "Winter Veil 2024: Questions and Demands" [Mob/BBW/SFW]
Finding a book about Winter Veil within
a waterlogged chest, she couldn't help but
swim and ask one of the locals more about
this curious holiday and its colorful customs.
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