30 November 2024

Autumn 2024 Commission #7: Arcane Eruptions at the Swamp

Don't you just hate when you have it all planned out and scheduled, only to learn the world has other plans for you and casts 'Curse of Flu: Suffocation by Mucus'! The next four days you cannot do other than relearn how to breath, drink lot of tea and water just to stay hydrated and not to succumb to the fever. Fun times! But! I didn't give up. I had already started to work on this last picture so I was half way there. While it has already technically been winter, it is still November while I'm typing this so I'm still on schedule!
This one is the last of 2024's fall commissions. Looking back, I've been more busy and late this fall than ever, if you compare to previous years how long it took for me to get all the requests done before I started to work on own pictures.

But enough of this rambling, time for some Mok'nathal action!

This is the seventh and the last of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by Beercus.

November 30th - "Arcane Eruptions at the Swamp" [Comm/Draenei/Orc]
2024 Autumn Commission #7
Far distant from civilization, the Swamp of Sorrows
is a stagnant marshland of sucking bogs and weeping trees.
Two lone wolves investigating resurgence of lay line eruptions,
only to become victims to the humid air, allure of each others
bodily odor and the chance to prove ones skills.
==XL-Size Edit==

17 November 2024

Autumn 2024 Commission #6: Priestess of Hethiss

Well that took longer than I wanted. Worst case writer's block and it has nothing to do with the fact I've the past weeks been playing Alan Wake 2 few hours every evening.
I was stuck on few key-words given to me with the commission. Still, I managed to create this pictue after battling through the confusion and had an inspiration how to make it work.

On other news, this is the second to last of my autumn commissions. December isn't far away and I would like to start work on wintery pictures before my yearly vecation.

This is the sixth of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by catcubus.

November 17th - "Priestess of Hethiss" [Comm/Troll/Pinup]
2024 Autumn Commission #6
The loa can grant wondrous boons or
inflict terrible punishments on trolls.
Loa gain in strength and power the more
worshipers, offerings, idols, and sacrifices they receive.
==XL-Size Edit==

01 November 2024

Autumn 2024 Commission #5: Ownership and Control

What a month October was! I haven't been that busy in a while and it really did push back my artistic works time after time. Really did kill motivation and mood again and again. Yet, I survived and finally managed to make next one of the 'autumn' commissions. I think I can make the rest before the year comes to an end.
I actually had finished this picture a day before, but while checking what kind of flavour text to make, I noticed that the scene is supposed to happen during night time. One quick render later and usage of backup psd I managed to remake the picture in a jiffy - but the time was already late so I postpone the publish onto the next day(tonight).

This is the fifth of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by SebHutchins.

November 1st - "Ownership and Control" [Goblin/Worgen/Size/Comm]
2024 Autumn Commission #5
A joke can sometimes go too far and
be taken seriously. What might have been
a friendly banter to him, is verbal contract
for her and now she utilizes her right of usage.
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