15 October 2024

Autumn 2024 Commission #4: Blade of the Night

Fourth autumn commission picture coming thru!
This is rather interesting picture in my opinion, as I did lot of lore digging about the twin moons of Azeroth and the Kaldorei society's view about rogues within their ranks. There aren't that many named 'non-trainer' Nelf characters that are rogues, only a handfull. Crazy, right!
I do remember seen two moons up in the skybox back in Vanilla, but then the other suddenly vanished until MoP. It was gone due to bug, but the devs tell that the blue child tends to vanish into own adventures, yet does always come back to be with the pale lady.

This is the fourth of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by Lunash

October 15th - "Blade of the Night" [Nelf/SFW/Comm]
2024 Autumn Commission #4
Rogues fend for themselves, looking for
fights in which they dictate the terms.
They’re the shadows in the night that remain
unseen until the right moment comes to strike
then they dispatch an opponent with quick blade work.
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03 October 2024

Autumn 2024 Commission #3: Compensation for Adept Handling

Yikes! It is alreacy October and I only now manage to post the third picture of autumn commissions out. Been really busy with my actualy day job and this week the electricity has been painfully expensive, so no using computer to render pictures!
I took some liberties with this pictures request, or, well, I forgot that it stated it should be bright daylight - not dim night with street lights. Oh well, still looks good, no? She might have a bit too posh dress for someone at her profession, or maybe she's one of the more expensive ones and high ranked - still a bag full of gold coins is bag full of gold coins.

This is the third of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by DizzyingDizzy11

October 3rd - "Compensation for Adept Handling" [Human/Bukkake/Group/Comm]
2024 Autumn Commission #3
Boralus, a busy harbor city which hosts
number of merchants and travelers from
all over Azeroth visiting the island.
The bustling port attracts all kind of services
for people to spend their hard earned coins.
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18 September 2024

Autumn 2024 Commission #1: Dressing Up

And we're off! The Autumn Commission train has set off and stops once in a while to bring out a new picture!
First stop and we get to see one of the librarians in her usual teasing manner. So close, but still enough to be SFW - probably.
I'm not good at making lingeries, so I think these from Sims 4 should work just fine.

This is the first of the Autumn Commission and it was requested by Zylo.

September 18th - "Dressing Up" [Human/BBW/Tease]
2024 Autumn Commission #1
Despite the rumors, Kia, in fact does
wear undergarments. Unlike her colleague,
she doesn't possess magical properties
hence why she wears support - most of the time.
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26 August 2024

Two and a Halfsome 2024Edit

There we go. Took me a while to get to this picture, but now I've fulfilled my promise I made over at Twitter and remade this TEN years old picture. Sure the Selanaar picture was older, but ten years is still a lot. That was 2014!
I had quite a pickle with this picture, as I at first couldn't figure out how to modernize it, but I think I managed to hit the spot. While most are close to the original picture, I did change the Gnome's skin tone to give a nice contrast between the two trolls. I still don't know where these ebony skinned Gnomes(and the elves) suddenly appeared in lore-wise, but I don't mind it.
I have few other old old pictures in mind that I'd like to remake but we'll see how much time I have after all the commissions.

August 26th - "Two and a Halfsome 2024Edit" [Gnome/Troll/Threesome]
Remake of 2014 picture of same name.
"A pirate I was meant to be! Trim the sails and roam the sea!"

Sang the scurvy sea dogs before reaching Ratchet,
where the sea salt hardened swashbuckler had time
to relax and unwind - by getting stuck between two Trolls.
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23 August 2024

Autumn 2024 Commissions are open!

Would you look at that, it's commission time!

Summer still lingers, yet September is right
behind the corner with cool winds of autumn(hopefully).
So let's celebrate another survived summer
by submitting your commission requests to me!


The council will look through all applications and judge them.

12 August 2024

Naughtiness in the Bakery

This is a community survey picture, but I forgot to post the link to the forum and blog, so all the votes were gathere only through Twitter. So, my apologies if you didn't get to vote. Maybe the next time I'll remember to post the links everywhere. I was in a bit of a hurry, as I only recently did remember that I hadn't done a single community survey picture for the year and we're slowly approaching the third part of prolonging summer.
The choices this year were once more picked randomly using the most sophisticated method, random number generator! And it resulted quite a varied mix bag of characters to choose from. And from all the ten options, Sarina did win! While the position is yet again the same as from few previous survey pictures, I didn't mind due to her quite exquisite forms.
And before I forget, yes I know this one was supposed to have multiple angles, I did remember that too late and used my veto. The current setting/scenery doesn't really work in other camera angles, sorry.

August 12th - "Naughtiness in the Bakery" [Belf/Human/BBW]
2024 Survey Result
Business is booming and the bakery's
bread and pastries are selling like hotcakes!
Sarina is a busy bee, yet she still has time to
mingle with her friends to unwind.
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04 August 2024

Beauty in the Mirror 2024Edit

Few weeks back, I posted four different pictures into Twitter/X. Old pictures from 2014 and put up a silly poll to see which one would get the most votes to be remade with newer models and technology. This gave me a spark that has been lain dormant for a long time. I have a vast library of old pictures which demands to be remade! At least some of them, not every single one of them. If I did that, I would be in a endless cycle for the next ten years or more.
Before I attack the polls choice, I chose to remake one which I had picked few years back. Unlike the one in Twitter, this is from 2009! 15 years old picture! Can you believe I've been doing this nearly as long as WoW has been running?!?
The picture I chose to remake is a good comparison of the old old style of Selanaar, back when I was still trying to find her forms and of course stuggled with it due to making all from scratch and hand drawing most of it ontop modelviewer screenshots. She might have gained some weight in 15 years, but my original idea back in the day was that she always was chubby and hefty - maybe not this big, but still!

Enough rambling, the link to the original picture is below the XL-link.

August 4th - "Beauty in the Mirror 2024Edit" [Draenei/Pinup/BBW]
Remake of 2009 picture of same name.
Due to unknown reason, her body absorbs arcane
directly from the air and is stores inside her flesh.
She might be a hefty ticking manabomb or her ancient
metabolis turns it into nutrients and causes her growth.
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24 July 2024

Traveling Windchaser

So, after the last commission I wanted to work on own picture(s). I decided to work on my centaur character and update her model. I was thinking it wouldn't be that big of a hassle, just redo the model and use old props. Done done. But no. Not in a long shot. I kept having new ideas and testing different styles and before I knew five days had passed. In the end, I'm happy how she ended up as. Much like with my harpy last year, I did do a full remaster from scratch. I gave her more meat over the bones(blame her ogrette friend from making too delicious food) and made her from being a nomad to be part of one of the tribes. The colour does hint which one she is part of: it is Gelkis.
I also had a small rant about the number of fingers centaurs have, new and old. The new ones have ten digits, while the old ones have eight. But in official art the number switches from six to ten, depending on the art form and artist! I went with what the old centaurs have.

So here is a scenec view of Ohn'ahran Plains and the nameless Centaur viewing over the lands.

July 24th - "Traveling Windchaser" [Centaur/Pinup/SFW]
After learning about the Dragon Isles and
about the centaurs with unknown ancestral
connection to her kin, she found means to
stowaway to Ohn'ahran Plains and see herself.
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14 July 2024

2024 Spring Commission #9: Disciple of the Panther

And here it is. The last of the commissions. I thank eveyrone who submitted their request(s) and apologize if I didn't make yours into reality - but that is the cold fact of free commissions. I did fall behind schedule due to sudden heatwave and getting lost playing DS3 randomizer, but I think I managed to make a good haul of nine commissions. Another reason why I only made nine is because I want to make few own pictures before it is already time for Autumn Commissions. It is only few months away!
So, once again thank you to all the submissions(it was quite dwarf heavy this year) and please enjoy this final picture of an follower of a loa.

This is the ninth and last one of the Spring Commission and it was requested by catcubus.

July 14th - "Disciple of the Panther" [Troll/Pinup/Comm]
2024 Spring Commission #9
Loa is the name given by trolls to the spirits and gods
they worship.Most are shapeless, whereas others have
animal or creature forms. Bethekk, the Panther,
is one of them and has a small following outside of
Gurubashi and Zandalari tribes.
Zae'da, is one of the faithful ones.
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07 July 2024

2024 Spring Commission #8: Abduction and Convertation

At times, I think I put too much effort into these commissions, especially when I don't demand any kind of payment for them. Yet, I do enjoy the unnecessary work I made for myself when I want to go the extra lenght for a single picture. For this picture, I needed to use ogres and I wanted to make the tribe leader into what they at times are, Ogre Lords, with their distinct looks. The lore is bit loose with them, but lickuly, the tribe over at Twilight Highlands which didn't join the Hammers has Lords as their top guys. Not that the one featured in the picture is either of them, but this gave me a chance to try to figure out how to make one into some sort of usable state. And I did.

This is the eight of the Spring Commission and it was requested by Athenia duLys.

July 7th - "Abduction and Convertation" [Dwarf/Ogre/Size/Comm]
2024 Spring Commission #8
The duty of an emissary of Light can at times
be very risky, yet rewarding when the commitment
is fruitful. For this herald, captured by the Glopguts
on her way to Thundermar, she will have to work hard
to convert the tribe to the Light — when the chief
allows her to utter the oath she holds dear.
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